Althletic Performance Antioxidants Cell Protection Cleansing Detoxification Enhancements Fitness Food Foundational Supplements Foundational Supplements Irena Ossola Juicing Magnesium Minerals Myo-Mag NRF2 Activators Nucleic Acids Nutrition Nutritional Supplements Olive leaf extract Orthomolecular Medicine pH Adjust Potassium PRO-C Recovery Rejuvenate! Superfoods Specific Condition Formulas Sports Superfoods Terraflora Ultimate Protector Warrior Mist Warrior Sleep RACING AND RECOVERY WITH pH ADJUST ALKALINIZING FORMULAByIrena OssolaJune 6, 2017 Editor’s note: HPDI’s sponsored pro cyclist Irena Ossola is a frequent contributor to our blog. Today she writes… Read More 0 0 0
Active H2 Ultra Antioxidants Cell Protection Enhancements Essential Fats Plus E Essential Fatty Acids Foundational Supplements Foundational Supplements Gut health Health Recommendations Hydrogen Intestinal Rejuvenation Formula Iodine Kids Mighty-Multi! Megahydrate Microbiome Mighty Multi-Vite! Molecular Hydrogen Multi Two Multivitamins Nascent Iodine NRF2 Activators Nucleic Acids Nutrition Nutritional Supplements Orthomolecular Medicine PRO-C Probiotics Products Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs Rejuvenate! Superfoods Restore Specific Condition Formulas Superfoods Terraflora Ultimate Protector Ultimate Protector+ Vitamin C Vitamin D RECOMMENDING HPDI FOUNDATIONAL SUPPLEMENTSByFred Liers, PhDSeptember 13, 2016No comments HPDI foundational supplements are designed to provide a complete range of essential nutrients that complement a healthy diet and lifestyle.… Read More 0 0 0
Antioxidants Cell Protection Digestion Energy Enhancements Enzymes Food Foundational Supplements Foundational Supplements Gut health Hydrogen Intestinal Rejuvenation Formula Iodine Liposomes Magnesium Medicinal Mushrooms Megahydrate Microbiome Minerals Molecular Hydrogen Nascent Iodine NRF2 Activators Nucleic Acids Nutrition Nutritional Supplements Orthomolecular Medicine pain relief PRO-C Probiotics Products Rejuvenate! Superfoods Restore Sleep Specific Condition Formulas Superfoods Terraflora Ultimate Protector Vitamin C Vitamin D Warrior Mist Warrior Sleep USING HPDI FOUNDATIONAL SUPPLEMENTSByFred Liers, PhDSeptember 13, 2016No comments HPDI foundational supplements are designed to provide a complete range of essential nutrients that complement a healthy diet… Read More 0 0 0
Antioxidants Digestion Energy Enhancements Food Foundational Supplements Foundational Supplements Genetics Gut health Health Recommendations Hydrogen Intestinal Rejuvenation Formula Magnesium Megahydrate Microbiome Minerals Molecular Hydrogen NRF2 Activators Nucleic Acids Nutrition Nutritional Supplements Orthomolecular Medicine PRO-C Probiotics Products Recovery Rejuvenate! Superfoods Rejuvenation Restore Sleep Specific Condition Formulas Superfoods Supporting Protocols Terraflora Ultimate Protector Ultimate Protector+ Vitamin C Vitamin D Warrior Sleep FOUNDATIONAL SUPPLEMENTS REMAIN FUNDAMENTALByFred Liers, PhDJune 2, 2016No comments I spoke with an old friend recently. I will call him Joe. Joe has digestive tract issues, including extreme diverticulosis. While I… Read More 0 0 0
Active H2 Ultra Anti-Aging Antioxidants Food Foundational Supplements Foundational Supplements Gut health Health Recommendations Health Science Hydrogen Megahydrate Microbiome Molecular Hydrogen Nucleic Acids Nutrition Nutritional Supplements Orthomolecular Medicine PRO-C Products Rejuvenate! Superfoods Rejuvenation Rejuvenation Program Restore Superfoods Terraflora Ultimate Protector Vitamin C Water AMENDING THE HPDI FOUNDATIONAL SUPPLEMENTS PROGRAMByHank Liers, PhDApril 30, 2016No comments Years ago in the late 1980s, I found from experience that people’s health improved significantly when they used a foundational nutritional… Read More 0 0 0