HPDI’s sponsored women’s pro elite cyclist Irena Ossola is busy all summer racing, including multiple top 10 finishes at the Prairie State Cycling Series this week in the Chicago region. Irena raced in June with Team Cloud in Minnesota and Wisconsin. In May, she competed in the US Elite Pro Nationals in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Yet, Irena hasn’t been too busy to keep up her nutrition program, take HPDI foundational supplements, or make smoothies with Rejuvenate!™ superfoods. Just the opposite. Time spent competing in top-level races and traveling widely means keeping up intake of important nutrients for high performance.
This month Irena offers up a recipe for one of her favorite Rejuvenate! smoothies, and a few choice words about how she creates it.
As an elite athlete, Irena places great demands upon her body and mind that most people cannot too readily imagine. When HPDI began sponsoring her in March, it was because it was a good fit for her and us. Irena had already tried Rejuvenate! superfoods on her own finding they improved her recovery times. Rejuvenate! superfoods provide dietary nucleic acids (like RNA and DNA), which support optimal athletic performance, recovery, well-being, and health.

Indeed, Irena requires superior products supporting her nutritional needs as she requires super-nutrition for training and racing. In return, we get to test our advanced formulas on a working pro athlete whose performance and progress give us ideas about making our products and rejuvenation program better. And how best to incorporate our products into complete programs for athletic performance and improved results for athletes in all sports.
HPDI nutritional supplements Irena uses include: Multi Two Tabs (multivitamin), Ultimate Protector (Nrf2 activator formula), Myo-Mag (magnesium formula), Omega Plus (essential fatty acids formula), Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs, Rejuvenate Plus, and Rejuvenate! (original greens). That is, she incorporates both foundational supplements and other advanced HPDI formulas in a complete supplement program supporting her needs for optimal nutrition.
We at HPDI hope you enjoy Irena Ossola’s Rejuvenate! smoothie recipe. We encourage you to try it. Maybe you will improve your performance whether you cycle, run, swim, hike, walk, or just live life to its fullest!! Tell us how you like it!! ~
• FROZEN FRUIT: Strawberries, Pineapple, Blueberries, and Raspberries and/or Blackberries (As Desired)
• BANANA (One Or Part) (Optional)
• COCONUT FLAKES (Dried, Unsweetened) (To Taste)
• GREENS: SPINACH AND/OR KALE Leaves (1–2 Handfulls)
• FLAX SEEDS: 1–2 Teaspoons (or 1 Scoop)
• CHIA SEEDS: 1–2 Teaspoons (or 1 Scoop)
• REJUVENATE!™ SUPERFOODS (PLUS, BERRIES & HERBS and/or Original): 1–2 Scoops
• YOGURT (As Desired)
• ICE (As Desired)
Mix all ingredients in a blender. Then serve and enjoy!!
“As a full time athlete I train every day and sometimes multiple times a day. To keep in top form and fuel myself to sustain high energy and perform well, it is important that I maintain a healthy diet and provide my body with the proper recovery after every training session or race.
Whether or not you are an athlete in training, or using HPDI’s Rejuvenate! superfoods to feel better and fuel your body, my smoothie recipe combines the proper ingredients for your health and it tastes great!!
I mix in a combination of these ingredients (above) and adjust them to taste depending on availability of ingredients and desire for variety.
If the smoothie tastes too ‘green’ for you, then I suggest adding more banana as it will sweeten things.
If you like berries in your smoothies, yet also wish to reduce sugars, then try eliminating the banana.
I love adding protein powder to a smoothie. The protein adds a smoothness and lessens the icy texture from ice or frozen fruit. Chia seeds and flax seeds add a solid, filling consistency and they are really good for recovery.
I tend to use unsweetened almond milk (instead of milk or soy milk) because it usually has higher levels of protein and essential fats.”