Fred Liers PhD intestinal rejuvenation formula gut healthIntestinal and digestive tract health are critical for health. “All disease begins in the bowel” is a mantra for herbalists and natural healers. Healthy gut structure and function is important for digestion of food, assimilation of nutrients, elimination of wastes, detoxification, and even brain function and mental health due to reciprocal relations along the gut-brain axis.

Intestinal Rejuvenation Formula gut health

HPDI offers several products formulated for optimal gut health. That is, nutritional supplements intended to improve intestinal and digestive system health and function. These formulas include probiotics like Terraflora™ (with soil-based organisms), Restore For Gut Health (lignite formula), digestive enzymes, and Intestinal Rejuvenation Formula.

When used as part of an overall program of gut health and especially when combined with an excellent, whole-foods diet, these gut-health formulas help optimize intestinal health in a world fraught with environmental factors and lifestyle elements that can destroy GI tract health. I will talk about some of these products in this article. However, my main focus will be upon Intestinal Rejuvenation Formula.


Intestinal Rejuvenation Formula (IRF) is a high-fiber powdered supplement designed to act as a sweep to cleanse and help detoxify the entire gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Dr. Hank Liers formulated it as an effective drawing, detoxifying, and healing formula for the bowel. Within the HPDI supplement system, the formula is considered a specific-condition formula for gut health. That is, it is not a foundational supplement or an enhancement formula.

intestinal rejuvenation formula
Dr. Hank Liers’ Intestinal Rejuvenation Formula cleanses, detoxifies, purifies, and heals.

Detoxification is one of the main components of the HPDI Rejuvenation Program. As such, the capacity of Intestinal Rejuvenation Formula to detoxify the bowel makes it an integral supplement in the program.

Intestinal Rejuvenation Formula is a gentle-acting formula that may be taken daily or as needed. It is easily integrated into a gut health routine or regimen. Regular use is warranted for individuals desiring to maintain gut health. It is also beneficial for periodic use, such as seasonal cleansing, reduced bowel function, or constipation. Yet, it offers many benefits for chronic issues such as bowel pockets, diverticulosis, and diverticulitis. Acute uses include applications for upset stomach, food poisoning, diarrhea, as well as topical use for insect or snake bites.

Intestinal Rejuvenation Formula contains ingredients that help it to cleanse by sweeping wastes and deposits from the GI tract (psyllium, pectin, bentonite), coat and soothe (slippery elm bark and marshmallow root), sequester toxins (fibers and activated charcoal), heal and rebuild the mucosa (vitamin C and CGF).


We live in an age where many environmental factors and lifestyle elements contribute to GI tract dysfunction. These include overuse of antibiotics and use of antibiotics in foods that destroy microbiome diversity. These elements also encompass agricultural toxins (e.g., glyphosate from RoundUp) used in growing GMO (genetically modified organisms) crops consumed in foods that contribute to weakening of tight junctions in the GI tract.

As such, it is imperative individuals take steps to restore proper function and rebuild gut health. Such steps may include consuming organic and non-GMO foods that neither contain herbicides like glyphosate nor GMOs.

In addition, overconsumption of wheat, simple carbohydrates, and sugars is a major element contributing to a pandemic of gut dysfunction. It is well known that wheat and other food crops containing gluten, gliadin, and related proteins readily contribute to GI tract problems among an ever increasing percentage of the population.

Books like William Davis’ Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health, and David Perlmutter’s Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth About Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar – Your Brain’s Silent Killers and Brain Maker: The Power of Gut Microbes to Heal and Protect Your Brain for Life, document the adverse effects caused by the consumption of wheat and refined carbohydrates on health, especially gut and brain health.

Wheat in particular is singled out due to its extensive hybridization, which has created a very different genetic profile for the grain (despite the fact that it has not yet been genetically modified on a large scale). This has created high-yielding wheat variants that can cause or contribute to adverse health effects, and have not been subject to safety testing.

Yet, it is known that glyphosate herbicide is routinely sprayed on non-GMO crops—like wheat, oats, and beans—as a drying agent to speed harvesting. Consuming non-GMO foods may not be sufficient to prevent ingestion of toxic glyphosate and therefore avoid its adverse GI tract effects. Consumers are best served by consuming certified organic, biodynamic, chemical-free, and/or home grown foods.

The increase in gut health issues among the population is reflected both in the dramatic rise of diabetes, celiac disease, obesity, and brain maladies (like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease) in recent years.

The authors suggest that elimination or significant reductions in the consumption of wheat, sugar, and refined carbohydrates will go far in helping to improve and restore health. And that starts in the gut.

In addition to dietary changes and lifestyle modifications, a balanced fiber and gut-soothing formula like Intestinal Rejuvenation Formula can be part of a complete program to cleanse, heal, and rebuild the gut for improved GI tract function.

A complete program for gut health includes probiotics, which are the subject of various articles we have written that include recommendations for consuming dietary probiotics and probiotics, creating a probiotic-friendly lifestyle, as well as supplementing with probiotic formulas like Prescript-Assist.

Intestinal Rejuvenation Formula contributes to gut health differently than dietary or supplemental probiotics, yet is designed to work well with probiotics of all types to improve gut health. HPDI recommends a synergistic approach to gut health encompassing diverse approaches (and multiple products) combined to produce optimal results.


Intestinal Rejuvenation Formula cleanses the entire digestive tract by drawing toxins, clearing blockages, and supporting natural movement. It works by coating and adhering to the lining of the intestines. This unique action allows it to absorb fecal plaques and other debris, soften unhealthy deposits, and sweep them away for elimination in the stool.

Intestinal Rejuvenation Formula neutralizes and removes hundreds of toxins, including heavy metals (e.g., mercury and lead). It draws out many times its weight in material encrusted or trapped in the intestinal lining. It also provides nutrients known to nourish the GI tract, and that promote normal elimination functions.


Intestinal Rejuvenation Formula relieves symptoms of constipation, including gas, bloating, cramps, indigestion, and nausea caused by excessive waste in the bowel. It also soothes the intestinal lining and colon wall, and promotes a well-functioning colon. This means it can contribute to greater health not only through removal of toxins and intestinal blockages, but also by allowing greater absorption of nutrients from food (i.e., after the intestines are cleansed). It also can contribute to achieving normal weight by promoting elimination of old fecal matter (e.g., post-putrefactive deposits), and by helping to establish and maintain normal bowel function.


Intestinal Rejuvenation Formula acts as a wonderful soothing agent for the mucous membrane linings of the entire intestinal tract, especially the colon. This makes it an important formula for individuals experiencing irritable bowel syndrome, spastic colon, colitis, Crohn’s disease, diverticulitis, or any digestive tract condition causing hot, burning, irritated, or bleeding bowels and/or diarrhea. This unique healing formula is also an excellent remedy for food poisoning, because it can absorb harmful bacteria and toxins.


Due to its excellent detoxification and intestinal cleansing properties, Intestinal Rejuvenation Formula is ideal for use in periodic cleansing regimens, such as bowel cleansing, liver cleansing, kidney cleansing, or many types of juice cleanses, fasts, or flushes.

When using Intestinal Rejuvenation Formula as part of a short-term cleansing regimen (3–30 days), it can be used at higher levels, such as up to 1 tablespoon 3–5 times daily, as needed.

Note: After a cleansing regimen, it is useful to repopulate the gut with beneficial bacteria using a high-quality probiotic formula such as Prescript-Assist™ (soil-based organisms).


Another benefit of Intestinal Rejuvenation Formula is its ability to stop loose stools and diarrhea. This is especially important in cases of acute diarrhea in which dehydration and inability to assimilate nutrients from foods creates a problem for health.

As noted, Intestinal Rejuvenation Formula helps regulate bowel function. It therefore can help constipated individuals become more regular. However, in cases of diarrhea, it can fill the GI tract with sufficient bulk (fiber) to slow the rate of excretion, as well as help prevent dehydration due to fluid loss.

Because of the safety and efficacy of Intestinal Rejuvenation Formula, it is also safe for use with children and pets. Be sure to give with sufficient water and scale down the dose appropriately depending on the size of a child or pet.


Intestinal Rejuvenation Formula contains psyllium husk powder (organic), cold-milled flax seed powder (organic), apple pectin, bentonite clay (wildcrafted), marshmallow root powder (organic), slippery elm bark powder (organic), activated willow charcoal (wildcrafted), inulin / fructooligosaccharides (from chicory root), ginger root powder (organic), natural lemon flavoring, Vitamin C (from magnesium ascorbate), malic acid, grape extract (pulp, skin, and seed), licorice root powder (organic), stevia leaf extract (97% rebaudioside A), magnesium (from magnesium ascorbate), and chlorella growth factor (CGF).

INGREDIENTS: One teaspoon (3.23 gram) provides the following nutrients:

Psyllium Husk Powder (organic) – 1,000 mg
Apple Pectin – 400 mg
Bentonite Clay (wildcrafted) – 400 mg
Cold-Milled Flax Seed Powder (organic) – 400 mg
Marshmallow Root Powder (organic) – 200 mg
Slippery Elm Bark Powder (organic) – 200 mg
Activated Willow Charcoal (wildcrafted) – 100 mg
Spirulina Pacifica – 100 mg
Inulin / Fructooligosaccharides (from Chicory Root) – 100 mg
Ginger Root Powder (organic) – 100 mg

Natural Lemon Flavor – 100 mg
Vitamin C (from magnesium ascorbate) – 60 mg
Malic Acid – 50 mg
Grape Extract (pulp, skin, & seeds) – 40 mg
Licorice Root Powder (organic) – 40 mg
Stevia Leaf Extract (97% Rebaudioside A) – 13 mg
Magnesium (from magnesium ascorbate) – 4.5 mg
Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF) – 4 mg

The nutrients contained in Intestinal Rejuvenation Formula are all known to provide unique therapeutic benefits and healing properties. Consequently, the formula is carefully designed so the ingredients work together synergistically to leverage and maximize the capacities of each one. This results in a formula that is superior in action and that can far more effectively support health and healing in the intestinal tract than single ingredients or shotgun approaches (that often result in reduced effectiveness through the use of fillers, imbalanced formulation, or less than the highest quality ingredients).

Intestinal Rejuvenation Formula is a superior formulation representing a higher level of design expertise. This unique formula can offer significant benefits and results for individuals who wish to improve, regenerate, rejuvenate, heal, and sustain excellent gastrointestinal health.

gut health intestinal rejuvenation formula
Ginger is an ingredient known to support gut health.


Psyllium seed husks are soluble in water, expanding and becoming mucilaginous when moistened. Psyllium seed husks are indigestible in human beings and are used as a source of dietary fiber. They are used to relieve constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, diverticular disease, and diarrhea. They are also used as a regular dietary supplement to improve and maintain regular gastrointestinal (GI) transit.

The inert bulk of psyllium husks helps to provide a constant volume of solid material regardless of other aspects of the diet or any disease condition of the gut. Recent research also shows psyllium seed husks to be promising in lowering cholesterol and controlling diabetes.


As a dietary fiber, apple pectin is helpful in maintaining good digestive health. Pectin forms a colloidal solution in water and gels when cool. An indigestible, soluble fiber, apple pectin is a general intestinal regulator used in many healing preparations, especially as an anti-diarrheal agent. Researchers at the University of California, Davis (UCD), found that apple pectin acts as an antioxidant against the damaging portion of cholesterol in the blood stream.

It has been established that a diet rich in apple pectin may help protect against certain diseases. Research in Japan shows that apple pectin can act as a chemopreventive agent. Apple pectin helps maintain intestinal balance by cleansing the intestinal tract with its soluble and insoluble fibers.

Apple pectin tends to increase acidity in the large intestines and is advocated for those suffering from ulcer or colitis and for regulating blood pressure. Pectin is also effective in causing regressions in and preventing gallstones. There is also evidence that the regular use of apple pectin may lessen the severity of diabetes.

Apple pectin is known to draw radiation from the body. Russian doctors have found apple pectin to be among the most effective means for protecting against radiation when consuming contaminated foods is unavoidable. Pectin, along with vitamins and minerals, eliminates radionuclides ingested from foods. This is especially relevant given recent meltdowns and radiation releases from the nuclear complex in Fukushima, Japan. Radiation from this catastrophe has contaminated (and continues contaminating) food crops across the entire northern hemisphere (and beyond), especially crops grown in North America.


Bentonite clay has a large and varied mineral content, including over 50 minerals. Seen under a high powered microscope, bentonite is composed of extremely minute rectangular particles. The wide surfaces are negatively charged and the edges are positively charged. Therefore, its adsorptive power is many thousand times more negative than positive. It has a negative electrical attraction for positively charged particles. In the human body, various toxic poisons are positively charged. The very minuteness of the particles give it a large surface area (about 1,000 square meters per gram) relative to its volume, thereby enabling it to pick up many times its own weight (as high as 40 times) in positively charged particles.

When bentonite clay absorbs water and swells, it stretches open like a highly porous sponge. Toxins (including pathogenic viruses, herbicides, and pesticides) are drawn into these spaces and bound through electrical attraction. The bentonite is eventually eliminated from the body with the toxins bound to its multiple surfaces. Diarrhea can be remedied through the use of bentonite clay because of its capacity to bind stools. Bentonite clay can act immediately to bind irritants in the gastrointestinal tract.

COLD-MILLED FLAX SEEDS (organically grown)

Flax seeds (Linum usitatissimum L.) contain essential fatty acids (an excellent vegetarian source of omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid), protein, soluble fiber, insoluble fiber, antioxidant lignans, minerals, and vitamins. Lignans are a phytoestrogens considered to be antioxidants. Flax seeds contain among the highest levels of lignans among all plant foods.

The unique properties of Heartland’s RCM™ Flax (Real Cold Milled) organic flaxseed provides enormous advantages over whole flax seeds, ground flax powders, and other milled flax seed products. In particular, cold-milled flax seeds offer readily assimilable omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids because of special no-heat processing that protects these delicate oils and makes them available for uptake into the body.

RCM™ Flax cold-milled flaxseed is processed using a unique, proprietary method that preserves the delicate oils and allows for optimal uptake of the oils and other nutrients (e.g., soluble fiber) into the body. That is, flax seeds must be milled into a flour or meal to obtain maximum benefits from its oils and dietary fiber. However, typical methods of grinding or pounding flaxseeds separate the oil from the seeds (and heat the oils), thereby causing the oils to oxidize and become rancid.

In contrast, cold milling is a unique process that does not involve heating delicate oils and keeps them protected within finely milled pieces of seed. Thus, cold-milled flax seed is not significantly oxidized and remains fresh for an extended period of time. Conversely, when flax seeds are harshly ground or crushed, the oils do not remain fresh because there is no inherent protection from oxidation. Cold milling allows the seed to retain and protect its oils because the process does not release the oils from the seeds .

RCM™ Flax offers a non-refrigerated shelf life of greater than 24 months. A study conducted at North Dakota State University confirms that peroxide levels of RCM™ Flax remain exceptionally low for an extended periods. While this flaxseed retains its freshness for an extended period, when refrigerated (or consumed within several months), it provides amazingly high levels of freshness.

The organic cold-milled flax seeds in Intestinal Rejuvenation Formula contain oil amounts varying between 38–45%, with the oil offering a high percentage (47–53%) of the omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) and 15-18% omega-6 linoleic acid. Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is an essential fatty acid acting in the human body as a substratum for the transformation into EPA and DHA through the action of desaturation and elongation enzymes. The seeds also contain some omega-6 essential fatty acids and exhibit a favorable omega-3 to omega-6 ratio of 3:1. Modern diets contain too few omega-3 fatty acids.

Cold-milled flax seeds possess 15–30% protein (typically 20%) and the amino acids of flax protein have no limiting factors in the adult diet (i.e., they are a complete protein source having all of the essential amino acids in an appropriate balance). Flax seeds are also a source of magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, and copper. They also have demonstrated antioxidant activity.

The most important antioxidants flax seeds provide are phytoestrogens known as lignans. Because cold milling flax seeds significantly reduces oxidation, this exceptional flax seed has great potential within the food industry when compared to other alpha-linolenic acid sources, such as typical ground flaxseed powders, which can exhibit rapid decomposition due to a lack of antioxidant protection from oxidation.

The human body easily digests flax seeds. The seed’s outer layer is rich in mucilloid soluble fiber (flax seed possesses 10-15% soluble fiber) and absorbs at least 4 times its weight in water. When mixed with water or stomach juices, the seeds form a gel that creates a physical barrier between the carbohydrates and the digestive enzymes that break them down. The carbohydrates thereby are digested and converted into glucose (blood sugar) at a slow, uniform rate. There is no insulin surge or spike needed to lower the blood sugar level. The water-retaining capacity of the gel also maintains bodily hydration (i.e., helping level out water intake) and electrolyte balance.


Considered the king of mucilaginous (gel-like) slippery plants, marshmallow offers a unique composition of about 37% starch, 11% mucilage, and 11% pectin (including flavonoids and phenolic acids). When it reaches the colon, marshmallow gel will soften hardened fecal plaques and help to remove them from colon walls. It also acts as a soothing coating and internal moisturizer for the entire digestive tract. Like chia seeds, it neutralizes irritants often found in the intestinal system, and thereby greatly relieves irritation to the mucous membrane lining of the digestive tract.


The health benefits of slippery elm are rooted mainly in its soothing properties. This mucilaginous herb is effective when used internally for coating and soothing mucous membranes while also absorbing toxins that can cause intestinal imbalances. Slippery elm is an effective remedy for duodenal ulcers, gastritis, diarrhea colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, hemorrhoids, and heartburn. The benefits of slippery elm also extend to being a simple food. As part of a normal diet, the inner bark of slippery elm can be ground and eaten as porridge. This porridge is extremely nutritious and high in antioxidants having a consistency and taste similar to oatmeal. It is also a wholesome and sustaining food for infants and invalids.


Activated charcoal is charcoal that has been treated with oxygen to open up millions of tiny pores between the carbon atoms. The use of special manufacturing techniques results in highly porous charcoals that have surface areas of 300–2,000 square meters per gram. Charcoal works to trap toxins through “adsorption.” When a material adsorbs something, it attaches to it via chemical attraction. The huge surface area of activated charcoal gives it countless bonding sites for adsorbing toxins.

When certain chemicals pass next to the carbon surface, they attach to the surface and become trapped. Activated charcoal is excellent for trapping carbon-based substances (i.e., organic chemicals), as well as other chemicals such as chlorine. It is known to trap over 20,000 organic chemicals. Many chemicals are not attracted to carbon (sodium, nitrates, etc.) so they pass through charcoal. Because charcoal is not “digested” like food, it may remain inside the GI tract for a time, thereby continuing to actively remove toxins via the bowel.


Research has shown that spirulina promotes digestion and bowel function. It suppresses bad bacteria (including E. coli and Candida albicans yeast) and stimulates beneficial flora, including lactobacillus and bifidobacteria. Healthy intestinal flora (i.e., “good” bacteria) are a foundation for good health. They increase absorption of nutrients from foods and help protect against infection. In Japan, researchers found that spirulina significantly reduces kidney toxicity caused by mercury and three pharmaceutical drugs. This suggests benefits for humans suffering heavy metal poisoning. Additional research found that rats consuming spirulina or chlorella algae eliminated seven times the amount of dioxin (a highly toxic chemical) when compared to a control diet.


Like other types of dietary fiber, inulin also has the benefits of enhancing digestive and intestinal functions, reducing cholesterol, and preventing disease. In addition, inulin has one other major health benefit: it is a prebiotic that feeds the healthy microflora that boost your immunity. Not only does inulin actively promote the growth of existing strains of probiotics in your colon, but it also encourages implantation, survival, and growth of freshly consumed probiotics. By boosting the survival and growth of beneficial probiotics in the inner ecosystem, inulin improves digestion, immunity, and disease-fighting capacity of the body.


Ginger rhizome (Zingiber officinale) is an incredibly active and effective gastrointestinal aid with the following properties: 1) Contains a digestive enzyme whose effectiveness even exceeds that of papain; 2) Stimulates the flow of saliva and increases the concentration of the digestive enzyme amylase in the saliva; and 3) Activates peristalsis and increases intestinal muscle tone. Ginger is also known to be helpful in cases of nausea.


BIOVIN® Grape Pulp, Skin & Seed Extract (>85% OPCs): The BioVin® grape extract in Intestinal Rejuvenation Formula is extracted by ethanol and water and contains the highest percentage of OPCs of any product on the market. OPCs, a class of bioflavonoids, are one of nature’s most powerful free-radical scavengers. As bioflavonoids, OPCs help to increase the effectiveness of Vitamin C. OPCs cross the blood-brain barrier to provide antioxidant protection to central nervous system tissue. Studies have clearly demonstrated that OPCs improve and normalize capillary activity, strengthening capillary walls. OPCs bind to collagen fibers, realigning them in the process to a more youthful, undamaged structure. Elasticity, flexibility, and strength are thereby restored to connective tissue.


Licorice root soothes the GI tract and aids intestinal health. Licorice root is used effectively in those individuals suffering from peptic ulcer and chronic gastritis. It is used to soothe coughs and reduce inflammation, soothe and heal ulcers and stomach inflammation, control blood sugar, and to balance hormones. Licorice is a potent antiviral agent and can be used to treat flu, herpes, and even hepatitis. Licorice is also a strong anti-inflammatory agent.

MAGNESIUM (from magnesium ascorbate)

Magnesium is important for the metabolism of many biologically active nutrients and substances, including calcium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, sodium, lead, cadmium, hydrochloric acid (HCl), acetylcholine, and nitric oxide (NO). It is required for more than 325 magnesium-dependent enzymes, cellular homeostasis, and activation of the B vitamin thiamin. It mediates the functions of the nervous and endocrine systems, supports proper muscle and nerve function, stabilizes heart rhythm, helps to regulate blood sugar levels, and supports normal blood pressure. Magnesium is important in energy metabolism and the synthesis of proteins.


Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF) stimulates lactobaccilus (the “good” bacteria) to grow at four times the usual rate. Experiments with microorganisms, young animals, and children have demonstrated that CGF promotes faster than normal growth. In adults and mature organisms, CGF appears to enhance the functions of nucleic acids at the cellular level that relate to the production of proteins, enzymes, and energy. It also stimulates tissue repair and offers protection against toxic substances at the cellular level.

VITAMIN C (from magnesium ascorbate)

Vitamin C is known to perform many critical functions within the body involving detoxification, tissue building, immune enhancement, pain control, and controlling or killing pathogenic organisms. It is known to be helpful for wound and bone healing, healthy skin and eyes, infections, stress control, toxic exposure, and repairing damaged tissue of all types.


Additional Ingredients: Natural Lemon Flavor, Malic Acid, and Stevia Leaf Extract. These natural flavors and taste enhancers give the formula a pleasing taste and make it easier for individuals to consume.

DIRECTIONS: For long term, gentle rejuvenation of the intestinal tract take about one (1) teaspoon (about 1/3 scoop) several times daily away from food (by at least 20 minutes), or as directed by a health care professional. Place the powder in about 8 ounces of water, thoroughly mix (shake or stir), and drink immediately (before the formula becomes a gel too thick to easily consume).

For a more rapid healing cleanse take one tablespoon (one scoop) multiple times daily away from food (by at least 45 minutes). Add the powder to about 16 ounces of water, mix vigorously, and drink.

We recommend using a suitable container (such as a mason jar) for rapid mixing. Stir rapidly or shake vigorously (with lid attached).

Individuals suffering from conditions of severe diarrhea and loose stools can take one tablespoon (or more) multiple times daily (five times or more) and refrain from food. Put the powder in about 16 ounces of water per tablespoon, thoroughly mix, and drink immediately. In between servings it may be helpful to take 10–20 billion organisms of a multiple strain lactic acid bacteria formula (i.e., a probiotic such as Prescript-Assist). Place the formula directly in your mouth, chew, and then swallow.

While results can be obtained rapidly using this formula, it is most effective when used for longer-term gentle cleansing. Starting with lower doses and gradually increasing dosage often produces best results. This allows the body time to adjust to increased dosages (size and frequency) and facilitates greater therapeutic action from usage.

Note: Taking large amounts without sufficient liquid (e.g., water) or when first taking the formula can slow bowel transit time. Therefore, most individuals will benefit from starting at lower dosage levels and ensuring adequate fluid intake when consuming the formula.

External Applications: Make paste by mixing powder with water. Apply directly to skin or affected areas (e.g., stings, bites, wounds). Wrap with gauze, plastic, etc., and keep poultice moist. Use for up to six hours. Apply fresh poultice as needed. For more information, see the Insect / Bee / Snake Stings and Bites Supplement and Activity Schedule.

Intestinal Rejuvenation Formula does not contain wheat, gluten, rye, oats, corn, barley, soy, yeast, egg, sugar, dairy products, GMOs, wax, animal fats, preservatives, colorings, or artificial flavorings.

intestinal rejuvenation formula specific condition doctor liers original
Intestinal Rejuvenation Formula is an effective, specific-condition formula for gut health.


“Health begins in the gut,” the saying goes. If true, and it seems likely to be, then taking care of the GI tract is more important than ever. This makes sense given the prevalence and multiplication of environmental and lifestyle factors capable of damaging the gut.

These environmental and lifestyle factors include, but are not limited to, 1) the use of antibiotics (both prescribed and found in foods), 2) genetically modified organisms (GMO), 3) the presence in foods (and water, soil, and air) of herbicides like glyphosate sprayed on GMO crops; glyphosate can loosen tight junctions in the GI tract to allow food proteins into the bloodstream, 4) Food proteins (e.g., gluten and gliaden) capable of damaging the gut, 5) dysbiosis, 6) lack of microbiome diversity, and 7) many others.

The solution to these problems is complex, and partly resides in utilizing a combination of strategies and supplements capable of addressing the different aspects and causes of reduced or impaired gut function.

Intestinal Rejuvenation Formula represents one type of supplement known to be helpful in repairing, restoring, and maintaining healthy gut function.


“Intestinal Rejuvenation Formula works well for cleansing. It also helped stop runny stools I had after eating out while traveling.” – T.T., Seattle, WA




Dr. Mark Sircus’s blog article at
“Apples – Pectin – Intestinal Formula”

Kidney Cleansing with Juices & Herbs

Liver Cleanse with Juices & Herbs

Rejuvenation Program: Part 2 (Detoxification)

Death by One (Or Two) Thousand Cuts

Microbiome, Diet, and Prescript-Assist Probiotic and Prebiotic

Super Remedies for Stings and Bites

Understanding Glyphosate Toxicity: Interview with Genetic Engineer Thierry Vrain (Mother Earth News)


Brain Maker: The Power of Gut Microbes to Heal and Protect Your Brain for Life by Dr. David Perlmutter

Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth About Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar – Your Brain’s Silent Killers by Dr. David Perlmutter

Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health by Dr. William Davis



TERRAFLORA™ Synbiotic Formula (with soil-based organisms)

RESTORE For Gut Health (lignite formula)

(proteolytic enzymes)

(full spectrum plant enzymes)

Nascent Iodine

Magnesium Oil, Flakes, Gel

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