Dr. Hank Liers, PhD radiation Fukushima detoxification

UPDATE: January 6, 2014 – My colleague, Mark Sircus, published an article today concerning the status of the Fukushima situation. In his article, Mark states: “A public health official detected increased radiation levels on a California beach showing radiation levels at approximately 500% of normal levels. On the beach is exactly where you do not want to go and it looks like the further from the Pacific Ocean you are the longer you are going to live.”

Mark’s article continues: “Michael Snyder was saying last week, ‘The west coast of the United States is being absolutely fried by radiation from the Fukushima nuclear disaster, and the mainstream media is not telling us the truth about this. Most models display that the western coast and the middle belt of the U.S. will get the brunt of the radiation.'”

In light of the current situation, including recent reports regarding the possible meltdown of Fukushima reactor three, we believe it is important for everyone to familiarize themselves with methods to protect their health against the effects of radiation coming from Fukushima. In August 2013, I published an extensive updated article on the ways in which this can be done and have included it below. I highly recommend that our readers become familiar with the details I have presented. – Dr. Hank Liers


UPDATE: August 30, 2013 – Recent critical developments in Fukushima, Japan have revealed the release of massive quantities of radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean. An article published in National Geographic magazine on 8/21/13 provides details concerning the latest radioactive leak. These revelations make it necessary for everyone to remember that effective action can be taken to protect yourself and your loved ones from the damaging effects of released nuclear radiation. I wrote the following article (which includes a radiation protocol) and first published it on the HPDI blog in July 2012. Today’s version is significantly revised and expanded. I include a discussion of Ultimate Protector™ and how its Nrf2 activators help heal DNA damage from ionizing radiation. – Dr. Hank Liers


Since the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami crisis in Japan, I receive many inquiries about emergency preparation, protection from radiation, and detoxification. These questions typically focus on the means to maintain health during catastrophic events. I’m pleased to offer suggestions depending on individual needs. However, my recommendations always start with the HPDI Master Rejuvenation Program. The program is the foundation on which to build and maintain excellent health under all circumstances. It starts well before radiation exposure is an issue.

More recently, it has become clear that the nuclear reactor situation in Fukushima, Japan is actually far worse than has been publicly acknowledged. According to physicist Michio Kaku PhD, the threat from the spent fuel pool in reactor building number four is near the tipping point. A small earthquake, another pipe break, or another explosion could tip it over, and we could have a disaster many times worse than Chernobyl nuclear disaster in 1986.

Dr. Kaku explains that just in the last few weeks it has been reported that reactors two, three, and four have been shown to be in a very dire situation. Reactor two is completely liquefied, something that’s never been seen in the history of nuclear power. Reactor four, on the other hand, has an even worse problem because it is a spent fuel pond that is totally uncovered because of a hydrogen explosion that took place last year. Dr. Kaku concludes we have a worldwide catastrophe in the making. Unfortunately, the probability is high that this catastrophe may happen.

In view of the above, I have prepared this special adaptation of our Master Rejuvenation Program. It provides insight and practical advice about how you can prepare for such a catastrophe, as well as protect yourself, your family, and your community.



Your commitment to yourself, family, and community to remain healthy during this potential catastrophe is the crucial first step to being successful. I have observed many naysayers claiming that this event represents the end of humanity. However, there are many sources of wisdom and knowledge in the area of radiation protection that can provide solutions for remaining healthy. I will review some of these below.

One of the critical lessons learned from how people and organizations (including governments) react during crisis is that you must take responsibility for yourself because no one else will do it! This involves your learning about the problem and solutions and implementing your own personal plan. We will support you in this process.


With regard to radiation, there are some important issues usually not present in most non-radiation prevention programs. In the situation in Fukushima Japan, radiation from toxins such as iodine-131, cesium-137, strontium-90 and plutonium are the major issue. These radioactive particles blow through the air where they can be inhaled, attach to skin and clothing, fall onto food that is either eaten directly or indirectly from the food chain, and settle on the ground and structures where they accumulate and continue to emit radiation for long periods of time.

It may be wise to have access to the radiation data measured in your locality so that you have some idea of the magnitude of the problem you are facing. In this regard we recommend that you use a computer to visit the following website: This website, home of the National Radiation Map, depicts environmental radiation levels across the USA, updated in real time every minute. This is the first web site where the average citizen (or anyone in the world) can see what radiation levels are anywhere in the USA at any time.

The first step in this program is to avoid contact with radioactive particles as much as possible. This means that you need to avoid to the extent possible exposure to outside air. I recommend using a mask that can filter out the radioactive particles from inhalation. The clothing you wear is also important; consider wearing long sleeve shirts, hats, and long pants to cover your body. The clothing should be changed immediately upon entering your home and it should be kept in a separate room from normal indoor living activities. Clothing should be washed frequently. I also suggest that you take frequent showers to wash radioactive particles from your body.

Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems should be configured in such a way that all outside air is adequately filtered so that it cannot contaminate your living/working spaces. The filters should be changed as necessary to avoid the excessive buildup of radioactive particles.

Before consumption, all produce and other foods exposed to radiation should be washed and rinsed in vinegar solution and then in baking soda solution so that you avoid eating the radioactive particles to the greatest extent possible. It will be impossible to avoid ingesting some radioactive particles. I therefore recommend taking HPDI’s Intestinal Rejuvenation Formula on a regular basis as long as a radiation risk is present. This formula contains ingredients such as charcoal, bentonite, psyllium, and apple pectin known to latch onto radioactive particles and allow them to pass through the GI tract and into your stools.


It is well known by healers around the world that a well functioning GI tract is critical for good health. This means the food you ingest is quickly and properly broken down into nutrients that your body needs, and unabsorbed food components and body waste from your liver quickly pass through your bowels. It also means that you maintain healthy intestinal flora (“good” bacteria population). In fact, it is believed by many, that 80% (or more) of human health problems initially arise from improper GI tract function. Commonly, the first step a healer will implement in a program is to cleanse and detoxify the GI tract.

Constipation is an extremely common problem in our society and dealing with this issue is the most important starting item. In this regard, Intestinal Corrective Formula #1 (cathartic formula) should be used to keep your bowels active. I recommend that you start with one capsule just after dinner and increase by one capsule daily until the desired effect is reached (i.e., three bowel movements per day). This product can be purchased from American Botanical Pharmacy (800.437.2362). An alternative/complementary method I recommend for increasing movement of bowels is to use Buffered C powder (one or more heaping teaspoons several times daily) and/or Myo-Mag (three or more capsules several times daily).

Once the bowels are moving correctly, I suggest using HPDI’s Intestinal Rejuvenation Formula. Use this bowel drawing, healing, and detoxification tonic every day to keep your bowel clean. This one-of-a-kind formula powerfully supports the health of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. It cleanses the entire digestive tract by drawing toxins, clearing blockages, and supporting natural movement. It works by coating and adhering to the lining of the intestines. This action allows it to absorb fecal plaques and other debris, soften unhealthy deposits, and sweep them away for elimination in the stool. Intestinal Rejuvenation Formula neutralizes and removes hundreds of toxins, including heavy metals (e.g., mercury and lead) and radioactive particles. It draws out many times its weight in material encrusted or trapped in the intestinal lining. It also provides nutrients known not only to nourish the GI tract, but also promote normal elimination functions.

Intestinal Rejuvenation Formula acts as a soothing agent for the mucous membrane linings of the entire intestinal tract, especially the colon. This makes it an important formula for individuals experiencing irritable bowel syndrome, spastic colon, colitis, Crohn’s disease, diverticulitis, or any digestive tract condition causing hot, burning, irritated, or bleeding bowels and/or diarrhea. This unique healing formula is also an excellent remedy for food poisoning, because it can absorb harmful bacteria and toxins. Intestinal villi cells are particularly vulnerable to the effects of radiation because they turn over very rapidly. In this regard, Intestinal Rejuvenation Formula can protect these cells from severe radiation damage.

I strongly recommend that you carefully review and implement many of the recommendations of my protocol Chemical/Environmental Toxicity Syndrome on the HPDI website. Here you will find many specific recommendations and references for further exploration that can help you to refine your program.


I advise consuming as much organic raw food as possible. This includes vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds, and soaked or sprouted beans and whole grains. Eat fresh organic produce, preferably in season and locally grown. It may not be possible to eat even as much as 50% raw organic foods under conditions of radiation exposure. However, it is important nonetheless to consume as much raw, organic, locally grown food as possible. It is important to ascertain whether any fresh produce you eat has been exposed to significant amounts of radiation and to decontaminate it (e.g., by washing), if necessary. I also suggest that you consider growing sprouts from seeds indoors (such as broccoli, clover, alfalfa, etc.)

An interesting finding from Chernobyl is that milk from cows fed grass grown on soil enriched with rock dust contained little or no radiation even though milk of nearby cows fed grass grown on soils not enriched with rock dust contained radiation (see: This finding demonstrates the importance of ingesting foods containing significant amounts of trace minerals. Unfortunately, food (even organic) harvested from land not remineralized may not contain the amounts of trace minerals needed by people for good health. Means of getting obtaining mineralized plant foods include purchasing foods grown biodynamically (see: or by growing your own vegetables using rock dust, worm castings/tea, compost, etc. (See:

I strongly suggest that you consume at least four scoops per day (e.g., two scoops in the morning and two scoops in the afternoon or evening) of Rejuvenate!™ Plus, Rejuvenate!™ Berries & Herbs, or original Rejuvenate!™. The RNA in these superfoods is highly effective in regenerating and repairing tissues damaged by radiation. The chlorella and spirulina in most of these superfoods can remove toxic metals (such as Cesium-137, Strontium-90, and Plutonium) from your body. Please consume the following nutritional drink (mix in a blender): blend 16–32 ounces of vegetable juice (made fresh in your juicer) and one scoop of Rejuvenate!™ (any formula). You may add garlic cloves, ginger root, and fresh cayenne peppers for additional therapeutic benefits. Try adding 2–3 capsules of PRO-C™ to the drink.

You should drink 32–64 ounces of fresh vegetable juice daily. Buy a juicer if you don’t already have one (as it can save your life!). I recommend the Green Power twin gear juicer, the Hurom slow juicer, or Breville Elite juicer (all available online).

Drink only purified and/or ionized water (I like the TyentUSA or Jupiter water ionizers) with a pH of about 9.0. If you do not have a water ionizer, you can add 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda per 8 oz water several times daily to raise your pH. You also can alkalinize your body by consuming organic herbal teas (non-caffeine) and vegetable juices. Do not consume milk or milk products (cheese, yogurt, butter), most animal products, alcohol, coffee, or refined sugar. You may find it helpful to drink 8–12 oz of Chia Gel daily. Chia Gel is both hydrating and energizing.

You will enjoy eating (as well as drinking the broth of) “Hank’s Vegetable Soup.” This is a great-tasting addition to your cleansing program. It will flush your system of unwanted salts and acids while giving you concentrated vitamins and minerals.


Take Dr. Schulze’s Detox Formula (tincture) (available from the American Botanical Pharmacy) and Super Echinacea. Use two (2) droppers full (70 drops) of the tonics four (4) times daily. In addition, I recommend that you take Immune-Assist™ (at least six capsules) on a daily basis. Immune-Assist™ is derived from six organically grown medicinal mushrooms and contains over 200 polysaccharides known to improve immune function. It is the best immune system modulator I have found. It can rapidly increase your body’s natural killer cell activity. This is especially important because your immune system must clean up tissues damaged by exposure to radioactive particles.


It is important to include foundational supplement formulas as essential elements in your nutritional supplements program. Foundational formulas include a therapeutic multivitamin, Vitamin C/antioxidant product (e.g., PRO-C™ and/or Ultimate Protector™), and an essential fats product. These formulas along with high-RNA Rejuvenate!™ superfoods provide the basic nutrients required for the body’s metabolic systems (digestion, energy production, detoxification, enzyme production, etc.) to work properly. We discuss these formulas in detail in our Foundational Supplements Program.

Damage occurs in two ways when people (or animals) are exposed to high levels of radiation (also see: Fukushima Radiation Release is Worse than You Have Been Told: What You Can Do to Protect Yourself): 1) only about 20% of the damage occurs from the direct action of the radioactive particles on the DNA and other cellular structures and 2) the remaining 80% of the damage occurs from oxygen free radicals that occur when the radioactive particles impinge on the water in your body (you are about 60% water).

Using this knowledge, Dr. Atsuo Yanagisawa in Japan found that when individuals are pretreated with Vitamin C at the level of about 10 grams daily along with other antioxidants such as selenium, alpha lipoic acid, glutathione, etc., then they are protected from genetic radiation damage when exposed to large dosages of radiation.

Dr. Yanagisawa also discovered that even after individuals are exposed to large doses of radiation and suffer genetic damage, this genetic damage can be reversed by this same protocol of taking about 10 grams of Vitamin C daily along with other antioxidants. Interestingly, this is the same protocol used by many people to prevent or retard aging. This knowledge is important for anyone exposed to large dosages of radiation, such as could be released if the Fukushima reactor situation worsens. Given this information, I recommend taking PRO-C™, which contains Vitamin C and the other antioxidants (i.e., selenium, r-alpha lipoic acid, glutathione) mentioned above, is an ideal supplement for protection against radiation. For more information on Vitamin C and how to determine the most effective dose please see my blog article “Vitamin C – An Amazing Nutrient.”

A new nutritional supplement that complements PRO-C™ in its action against radiation is the Ultimate! Protector™ Formula. Ultimate Protector™ is a cell protection formula that provides high levels of non-GMO Vitamin C, a full spectrum of high ORAC5.0 antioxidants, and multiple sources of protective Nrf2 activators from polyphenols.

Ultimate Protector

Nrf2 is normally bound in the cytoplasm of cells to a protein, however, when an appropriate phytochemical agent attaches to a kinase receptor on the cell wall a phosphate group is released that causes the Nrf2 to be released. The Nrf2 then migrates into the cell nucleus and by binding to genomic antioxidant responsive element (ARE) sequences causes antioxidant enzymes to be fabricated and released. These endogenously produced enzymes (such as superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, etc.) then protect the body against ROS, electrophiles, and other toxic agents. A recent study provides robust evidence that Nrf2 activators protect cells from ionizing radiation and induces DNA damage repair through direct binding to the 53BP1 promoter region harboring ARE sequences.

In practical experience, it has been found that a combination of multiple polyphenols works significantly better than single ingredients. In fact, in one experiment it was found that a combination of five ingredients all known to be Nrf2 activators was 18 times more effective than any single ingredient. Furthermore, it was found that this combination of five ingredients was able to increase levels of SOD by 30% and catalase by 56% after 120 days of taking the combination.

Ultimate Protector: NRF2 Activator

Ultimate Protector™ contains polyphenols and Nrf2 activators from 29 different fruits and vegetables. These include Wild Blueberry, Wild Bilberry, Acai, Black Currant Extract, Sweet Cherry, Raspberry, Elderberry, Blackberry, Aronia, Black Soybean Hull Extract, Blue Corn, CoffeeBerry®, Curcumin (standardized extract with 95% curcuminoids from Turmeric), Trans-Resveratrol (98% from Giant Knotweed), Grape Seed, Cranberry, Tart Cherry, Prune, Raspberry Seed, Strawberry, Quercetin, Broccoli, Broccoli Sprouts, Tomato, Kale, Carrot, Brussels Sprouts, Onion, and Spinach.

We recommend Nascent Iodine (20 drops daily or more in divided doses) and Vitamin D3 Plus (5,000–10,000 IU daily) because almost everyone is deficient in iodine and Vitamin D. These nutrients are needed for detoxification, energy production and utilization, immune enhancement, and protection against major illnesses. In the event of a radiation catastrophe, it is likely you will receive less exposure to sunlight and therefore will make less of your own Vitamin D. It will be therefore be important to supplement with adequate amounts of Vitamin D.

Please note that radioactive iodine-131 (eight day half life) is one of the elements released into the upper atmosphere after an event such as a nuclear power plant meltdown. It can be carried great distances on high-speed winds, and then fall into the lower atmosphere, where it can be breathed into the lungs. It can also contaminate crops on the ground and get into your body through food and drink. Your thyroid gland quickly absorbs radioactive iodine. Due to this gland’s tremendous affinity for iodine, it may absorb radioactive iodine in quantities that can injure or even destroy it.

Taking non-radioactive iodine (i.e., Nascent Iodine) before and after exposure can protect your thyroid after exposure to radioactive iodine (as may be experienced through fallout). Non-radioactive iodine blocks radioactive iodine from being taken into the thyroid gland. In this way, your thyroid gland can be protected from injury. Taking non-radioactive iodine before exposure essentially “pre-fills” your thyroid with iodine leaving little or no room for radioactive iodine to be assimilated.

If you are already taking the recommended dose of approximately 20 drops of Nascent Iodine (2%) (0.4 mg/drop) (see above), then your thyroid will be protected. However, depending upon the magnitude of the fallout from a radiation event, it would be wise to increase your Nascent Iodine intake to as high as 60–100 drops daily (in divided doses) both before and after exposure until the danger has passed. If the danger is of a prolonged duration (as would be the case with an explosion of Fukushima reactor four), then Nascent Iodine with its extremely low toxicity seems to be the only logical solution for protection of the thyroid. For more information on Nascent Iodine, especially as it relates to the Fukushima situation, please see our blog article on Nascent Iodine published this month.

Nascent Iodine

Myo-Mag and Ubiquinol-50 act as powerful metabolic enhancers that lead to significant increases in ATP (adenosine triphosphate) production in the body. ATP is central to the body’s capacity to function. Myo-Mag provides magnesium and malic acid that directly stimulate aerobic energy production in the body. Ubiquinol is also a very powerful fat-soluble antioxidant that prevents free-radical damage in the body’s fat-soluble compartments, including cell membranes.

The liver is the body’s main organ of detoxification and will surely be taxed in the event of a major radiation event. I recommend Hepa Plus that includes milk thistle extract, alpha lipoic acid and other nutrients that help to regenerate and protect the liver cells. I also recommend that you take NAC (N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine), another key nutrient that supports liver function and is the rate-limiting nutrient in the production of glutathione (the liver’s major detoxifying nutrient).


Here is a summary of nutritional supplements I recommend taking for a complete program of protection both before and after a catastrophic radiation event:

Mighty Multi-Vite!™: 4 daily (Foundational)

PRO-C™: 12–16 daily (Foundational)

Ultimate Protector™: 6-12 daily (Foundational)

Essential Fats Plus E: 3 daily (Foundational)

Rejuvenate!™ superfoods (2–4 scoops) (Foundational)

Nascent Iodine: 20 drops per day taken between meals before 4 pm (you may need to start with just a few drops and build slowly). The dose will need to be increased to 60–100 drops daily in the event of a major radiation event

Immune-Assist™: 6 caps daily (minimum)

Vitamin D3 Plus: 2 daily for 2 weeks and then 1 daily

Myo-Mag: 3 daily (or more) (build up to bowel tolerance)

Ubiquinol-50: 4 daily

Hepa Plus: 4 daily

NAC (N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine): 4 daily

Intestinal Rejuvenation Formula (1–4 tablespoons daily)


I suggest you take warm baths with 2–4 cups of Ancient Minerals Magnesium Flakes (mostly comprised of magnesium chloride but also includes trace sea minerals) along with 1–2 cups of baking soda. Taking these baths significantly raises your body’s magnesium levels (one of the most important therapies you can do). Magnesium baths allow additional trace minerals to be absorbed into your body helping to block the uptake of radioactive particles and alkalinizing your body (and thereby improving oxygen utilization). Additionally, I suggest that you spray Ancient Minerals Magnesium Oil on your body (1–2 ounces daily) as an alternative means of increasing magnesium levels.


I highly recommend any methods of massage and bodywork and other techniques that will significantly enhance lymphatic drainage (such as Swedish massage) as this can clear the body of toxins created by any radioactive particles! Some other practices I recommend include: skin brushing, walking, using a rebounder, using whole body vibration machines, and taking far infrared saunas.


It is important to exercise every day. I strongly recommend activities such as yoga and tai chi. Exercise supports the body in many ways. It supports circulation of blood (to oxygenate tissues and detoxify) and lymph (which must be circulated via muscle movement or deep breathing). It also increases lung capacity, tones the cardiovascular system, builds bones, reduces stress chemicals, releases growth hormone, and more. I do not recommend you exercise outside during a radiation crisis. Exercising outdoors in such conditions can substantially increase your exposure to radioactive particles.


It is important to perform as many of these recommendations, practices, and techniques as possible in order to maximize your benefits. When you incorporate them into your life on a regular basis, you will not only be protected against radiation, but you will also gain other health benefits. These include faster healing and recovery, and better overall health. In fact, you will be pleased both by how quickly you can feel better, and by how effectively you can protect and maintain excellent health. That’s the power of synergy in action…creating maximum protection for you.



Chemical/Environmental Toxicity Syndrome (Supplement and Activity Schedule)

Rejuvenation Program: Part Two (Detoxification)

Rejuvenation Program: Part Six (Supporting Protocols)

Liver Cleanse with Juices & Herbs

Fred’s Favorite Vegetable Juice Recipe: “The Doctor”

Ultimate Protector™ and the Role of Foundational Supplements for Health


Nascent Iodine

Vitamin D3 PLUS

Ultimate Protector™


Intestinal Rejuvenation Formula

Foundational Supplements


Treatments for Nuclear Contamination (Dr. Mark Sircus)

Iodine: Bringing Back the Universal Medicine (e-book) (Dr. Mark Sircus)

Fukushima Radiation Release is Worse than You Have Been Told: What You Can Do to Protect Yourself (; May 2012)

  1. I want to say how much I appreciate that you sent this info my way and kept my contact info on file. I am very interested in your research and recommendations for health&protection during a radioactive crisis. I would really like to have a consult with you so I can critique a protocol from your product list for my particular health challenges. Should such a crisis occur, I would be one who MUST be ready, since I’ve had HepC for about 40 yrs., and my liver’s health has been compromised. I have been in great need of formulating a nutritious diet for myself since my caloric and protein intake is low according to recent blood tests, and am undernourished, which isn’t good. Please contact me, and I look forward to your reply.
    Thank you,

    1. Hi Andi – I have created a set of recommendations for Hepatitis C and have entered a new blog post regarding these recommendations. Please review this material and get back to me with any questions you may have.

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