Dr. Hank Liers, PhD myo-mag magnesium malic acid energizing formulaFred Liers PhD myo-mag magnesium malic acid energizing supplement

Got energy? That’s a big question. Many people are low on energy. A major cause of low energy is magnesium deficiency. In fact, studies show 50%–90% of people are deficient, often highly deficient. Magnesium boosts energy levels by feeding the body’s energy production system or Krebs cycle.

Myo-Mag— HPDI’s magnesium and malic acid formula — is designed to supercharge your energy production system to support a high energy lifestyle. Are you ready for what Myo-Mag can do for your energy? Well, it boosts energy, but does a lot more, too!

Getting enough magnesium is critical, of course. But it is equally important to get readily assimilable forms of magnesium and the synergistic nutrients required for its uptake and utilization. Myo-Mag provides optimal forms of magnesium and synergistic nutrients required to create energy (as ATP) for higher energy living. Myo-Mag feeds the body’s energy production system (Krebs cycle), which maximizes cellular energy. That is why users of Myo-Mag report far greater energy levels.


Myo-Mag supplies critical nutrients for energy production (as ATP) in the body. But it offers benefits far beyond boosting energy levels. Being a super magnesium formula, Myo-Mag optimizes all other beneficial effects of magnesium. In addition to energy production, magnesium is essential for muscle health, cardiovascular health, balancing calcium levels (and ensuring proper calcium uptake), as well as for proper function of more than 800 enzyme systems in the body.


ENERGYMyo-Mag supplies your cellular energy system with raw materials it can use immediately to produce energy for high vitality living. Myo-Mag can help you create energy fast—and naturally!

• MENTAL ENERGY – Just as Myo-Mag boosts physical energy, it can also boost mental energy. The energizing forms of magnesium and synergistic nutrients it provides create cellular energy the body can use for all purposes requiring energy.

MUSCLE RECOVERYMyo-Mag supports muscle health, muscle use, and muscle recovery. You might call Myo-Mag a muscle formula, and indeed “Myo” means “muscle” in Greek. Muscles that are properly nourished function well and are loose, not contracted, overly tight, or cramped. Muscles can benefit from Myo-Mag!

RELAXATION AND CALMING – In addition to being an “energy” production formula, Myo-Mag provides forms of magnesium and other nutrients that allow the body to relax. Muscle relaxation is a well known effect of magnesium. Also, the counterbalancing effect of magnesium on calcium in cells contributes to a relaxation effect. Too much calcium by itself (without being balanced) by magnesium can lead to muscle contraction and tension.

• GREATER SENSE OF WELL-BEINGMyo-Mag can provide an overall sense of well being. This is likely due both to the wide range of benefits and effects of magnesium (see list below) combined with the benefits of the synergistic nutrients it provides. For example, a combination of the known benefits of muscle relaxation, improved mood, and increased vitality can together contribute to an overall increased sense of well-being.

• CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH – The heart is a muscle and gain major benefits from the right forms of magnesium, like other muscles

• HEADACHES – The ingredients in Myo-Mag are known to help headaches, including migraine headaches

• MANY OTHER BENEFITS – Due to its status as an exceptional magnesium & malic acid formula, Myo-Mag provides all benefits associated with magnesium (see list below), but also supercharges these benefits due to the malic acid (malate), B vitamins, and other synergistic nutrients.

myo-mag magnesium malic acid energizing formula


Myo-Mag is an advanced magnesium formula that supports metabolism, energy production (ATP), and optimal cellular function. It allows for rapid uptake and absorption of easily assimilated forms of magnesium. It also provides critical nutrients supporting energy production in the body. Because Myo-Mag rapidly boosts magnesium levels, individuals usually notice greater physical and mental energy, reduced fatigue, and often a greater sense of overall well being.


Myo-Mag contains ingredients participating in the production of ATP. One vegetarian capsule contains 100 mg of magnesium and over 300 mg of malic acid. Vitamin B1 is included as Thiamin HCl and vitamin B2 is included as both Riboflavin and Riboflavin 5′-phosphate. Also included are vitamin B6 in its pyridoxal 5′-phosphated coenzyme form, manganese (because high levels of magnesium can deplete the body of it), magnesium carbonate (a malic acid buffer), and glycine as the carrier for a portion of the magnesium and for the manganese.

Supplementing the diet with magnesium and malic acid may reverse conditions of low energy. Suggested daily amounts include 300–600 mg of magnesium and 1200–2400 mg of malic acid.


There are several key nutrients needed by mitochondria to manufacture ATP in the body. These include oxygen, magnesium, food substrate, ADP, and inorganic phosphate, as well as Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, and Vitamin B6 in their phosphorylated (coenzyme) forms.

The body also requires malate (an important Krebs cycle intermediate) in order for most of these nutrients to function effectively in the process of ATP production. When adequate amounts of any of these nutrients are not present in the mitochondria, a vicious cycle can occur in which ATP is not created in amounts sufficient for proper cell function.

Insufficient amounts of ATP means that some B vitamins may not be adequately phosphorylated leading to improper metabolism and further reductions in ATP production. The much less efficient anaerobic production of ATP may be utilized to a greater extent. A balance point may be reached wherein the body produces only a fraction of the optimal amount of ATP. Under these conditions muscle weakness and fatigue may occur.

Vitamin B6 in its coenzyme form (pyridoxal-5’-phosphate) and magnesium are required for normal activity of malate dehydrogenase enzymes  involved in ATP production in the Krebs Cycle. In addition, the respiratory chain involved in ATP synthesis requires adequate amounts of the coenzyme  forms of B vitamins B1 and B2, which are the precursors of NAD and FAD. These two B vitamins, like B6, require a magnesium-dependent phosphate transfer reaction to become biologically active. Magnesium deficiency would therefore create a sluggish respiratory chain and a decreased efficiency in the transfer of reducing equivalents from the cytosol to the mitochondria. Supplementing the diet with magnesium and malic acid boosts energy production and thereby can reverse conditions of low energy.

In “Management of Fibromyalgia: Rationale for the Use of Magnesium and Malic Acid,” Abraham and Flechas reported that supplementing the diet with magnesium and malic acid may reverse such conditions of low energy (Jrnl of Nutritional Medicine 1992 3: 49–59). The recommended daily amounts include 300–600 mg of magnesium and 1200–2400 mg of malic acid.


Magnesium is a key ingredient in Myo-Mag which provides 100 mg per capsule in the form of magnesium malate. Magnesium plays a major role in energy production in the body. In particular, magnesium plays a critical role in key enzymatic reactions  for both aerobic and anaerobic glycolysis, which is the oxygen-dependent metabolic pathway that coverts glucose in to energy at ATP and NADH.

In order to appreciate the many benefits Myo-Mag offers, it helps to understand the effects and benefits of magnesium. Magnesium levels influence many physiological processes and functions. These include:

• Increases energy by greater production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) in cells
• Supports production and function of over 800 enzyme systems in the body
• Relaxes muscles / reduces muscle tension
• Boosts vitality, endurance, and strength
• Improves cardiovascular / heart health (relaxes cardiac muscle)
• Relieves pain, including chronic pain
• Ideal for arthritis / fibromyalgia / joint pain
• Improves health of skin and mucous membranes
• Eases headaches and migraine headaches
• In sports medicine — replenishes Mg levels for energy (combats fatigue, and
soothes pain and sore muscles)
• Improves mood and reduces stress
• Increases memory and cognitive functions
• Boosts immune system
• Improves assimilation of calcium / builds stronger bones
• Balances calcium and magnesium levels in cells
• Proven antimicrobial and antiseptic
• Raises DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) levels naturally
• Eases menopause and premenstrual syndrome (pms)
• Supports healthy libido (and endocrine system)
• Anti-aging, rejuvenating, revitalizing
• Keeps cell membranes flexible
• Controls cholesterol production in the body
• Regulates blood sugar levels / needed for insulin production, transport, and
function in cells
• Supports antioxidant systems
Given the wide range of benefits conferred by magnesium on the human body, it becomes apparent that no level of deficiency is acceptable. Magnesium is simply critical for life and for health. It is far better to have more magnesium than less.
MYO-MAG contains three types of magnesium: magnesium malate, magnesium carbonate, and magnesium diglycinate. As noted, the malate form of magnesium offers the unique benefit of feeding the energy production system in the body. The magnesium carbonate in the formula acts as a buffering agent while magnesium glycinate is absorbed into the bloodstream thereby increasing absorption beyond the gastrointestinal tract.


Myo-Mag provides malic acid via magnesium malate, which breaks down in the body into about 80% malic acid and 15% magnesium. Malic acid is a compound (molecular formula C4H6O5made by all living organisms. Malic acid contributes to the sour taste of fruits, and its name derives from the Latin word for apple. Esters and salts of malic acid are known as malates. The malate anion is an intermediate in the citric acid cycle, or Krebs cycle, which produced energy (ATP) in the body.
According to Abraham and Flechas (1992): “Malate is the only metabolite of the citric acid cycle which correlates positively with physical activity.” They add: “Following endurance training of athletes, muscles were characterized by a 50% increase in the malate-aspartate redox shuttle enzymes, where malate plays a key role…When there is increased demand for ATP, there is also an increased demand and utilization of malate.”


Myo-Mag includes manganese because high levels of magnesium can deplete manganese. The classes of enzymes that have manganese cofactors is large and includes oxidoreductases, transferases, hydrolases, lyases, isomerases, ligases, lectins, and integrins. The reverse transcriptases of many retroviruses (though not lentiviruses such as HIV) contain manganese. The best-known manganese-containing polypeptides may be arginase and Mn-containing superoxide dismutase (Mn-SOD)

Manganese is an essential human dietary element. It is present as a coenzyme in several biological processes, which include macronutrient metabolism, bone formation, and free radical defense systems. It is a critical component in dozens of proteins and enzymes. The human body contains about 12 mg of manganese, mostly in the bones. The soft tissue remainder is concentrated in the liver and kidneys. In the human brain, the manganese is bound to manganese metalloproteins, most notably glutamine synthetase in astrocytes.


Taking 1–3+ Myo-Mag provide nutrients that help the body create energy. However, taking 3–6 (or more) Myo-Mag daily would meet the need for supplementing with 300–600 mg of magnesium and 1200–2400 mg of malic acid that is known to reverse conditions of low energy. We recommend starting low (1-2 capsules) and then gradually increasing the dosage. Myo-Mag is contained in a vegetarian capsule to ensure rapid assimilation.

COMPOSITION: One (1) vegetarian capsule of Myo-Mag provides the following percentages of the Daily Value:

Magnesium (Mg malate, diglycinate, carbonate) 100 mg 24%
Malic Acid (Mg malate)
300 mg *
Manganese (Mn diglycinate) 5 mg 217%
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin HCl) 10 mg 633%
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 8 mg 615%
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin-5′-phosphate) 2 mg 154%
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxal-5′-phosphate) 5 mg 294%
Glycine (Mg and Mn diglycinate) 160 mg *

* No established Daily Value

DIRECTIONS: As a dietary supplement take 1–3+ capsules daily, or as directed by a health care professional.

INGREDIENTS: MYO-MAG only contains the highest-quality USP grade magnesium malate, magnesium diglycinate, magnesium carbonate, manganese diglycinate, thiamin HCl, riboflavin, pyridoxal-5′-phosphate, riboflavin-5′-phosphate, vegetable cellulose (capsule), microcrystalline cellulose, and silica.

MYO-MAG does not contain wheat, rye, oats, corn, barley, gluten, soy, egg, dairy, yeast, sugar, GMOs, sulfates, chlorides, wax, preservatives, colorings, or artificial flavorings.


Energy is important for life and health. And whether you realize it or not, large numbers of factors—some of which are beyond your control—conspire daily to rob you of energy. These factors may include low magnesium levels, stress to EMF exposure (like Wi-Fi or cell phone radiation), adverse dietary influences (like glyphosate/RoundUp), other chemical and/or environmental exposures, and even just lack of exercise. One of the easiest things to do is to take Myo-Mag to get the magnesium, malic acid, and synergistic nutrients you need to build greater energy levels. Get ready to blast off! ⚡



Myo-Mag Magnesium & Malic Acid Formula

HPDI Mineral Formulas

Myo-Mag on Amazon

HPDI Blog Articles

The Health Benefits of Oral Magnesium Using Myo-Mag by Dr. Hank Liers


Uses and Benefits of Magnesium Glycinate

Bioavailability of magnesium diglycinate vs magnesium oxide in patients with ileal resection
(J Parenter Enteral Nutr Sep-Oct 1994;18(5):430-5.)

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