Nascent Iodine, An Energized Iodine Supplement

Nascent Iodine is a unique energized iodine rapidly absorbed by the body. It is associated with a wide range of benefits. These include supporting thyroid function, regulating metabolism, boosting energy, immune system function, fighting infections (natural antiseptic), detoxification, water purification, and other benefits. One drop of Nascent Iodine provides 400 micrograms (ug) of rapidly-absorbed consumable iodine.

Nascent Iodine

Iodine is critical for thyroid function because it is a component of  thyroid hormones T3 (thyroxine) and T4 (triiodothyronine). When thyroid function is less than optimal, the body cannot carry out proper metabolism (or functions that depend on it). These functions include cellular energy production, detoxification, and immune system function.

Nascent Iodine replenishes iodine levels to address deficiencies and provides beneficial effects. Users experience improved metabolism and often report increased energy. It is also antiseptic and can be used for water purification. In fact, Nascent Iodine was discovered nearly 100 years ago and used widely in the early-20th century.

Nascent Iodine is especially effective because it is immediately recognized and used by the body. It is available to the body in a basic ‘atomic’ form rather than in a molecular form. This means effortless absorption when consumed and immediate benefits in its active or ‘charged’ state. Nascent Iodine also is unique because it is safe for consumption as a dietary supplement in therapeutic doses.

More than 90% of Americans are iodine deficient. Factors include soil depletion, poor diet, and low consumption of sea vegetables (e.g., kelp). In addition, iodine uptake is reduced by routine and chronic exposures to toxic halides (such as chlorine, bromine, fluoride) and goitrogens common in our environment.

Nascent Iodine  is an ideal supplement because it rapidly and effectively addresses deficiencies in a safe and convenient way. Moreover, for example, proper iodine levels not only reduce uptake of toxic halides into iodine receptors, but also prevent iodine deficiency associated with exposure to halogens (e.g., bromine).

US iodine intake is about 200 to 300 micrograms (ug) daily, yet the Japanese are known to consume upwards of 12 milligrams (mg) daily (mostly via seaweeds). It is noted that Japanese experience a markedly lower incidence not only of goiter, but also of breast diseases and various cancers. US researchers Drs. Abraham, Brownstein, and Sircus write extensively on the benefits and safety of higher dose iodine when taken in proper forms.

Maintenance doses of Nascent Iodine typically range from 1 mg to 10 mg daily. This is approximately 2 to 20 twenty drops of Nascent Iodine. Individuals’ results and needs vary, so it is recommended to start with a low dose and increase intake gradually. (The safety of consumable forms of iodine is such that initial doses by physicians for ‘loading’ and therapeutic doses have been significantly higher.)

Because so many body processes depend on iodine status, many different conditions or symptoms may be prevented or improved when iodine status is optimal. Therefore, improving iodine intake for most people will help to build, restore, and maintain optimal iodine levels — and provide proven health benefits. Nascent iodine is the best form of iodine we have found for this purpose.

Nascent Iodine is a winner of the 2009 Editor’s Choice award from Mike Adams (aka, the Health Ranger) and It is also recommended by Dr. Mark Sircus, Ac. OMD. who has written extensively on the benefits of iodine. Iodine is gaining the attention it deserves as a nutrient we need for health. Nascent Iodine can be a potent ally in your quest to improve and maintain the best health.

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