Back in 2012, I learned about Nrf2 activators and was excited about pursuing the development of a supplement that would incorporate the new knowledge we were learning into a effective product for preventing free radical damage. At that time, I published two articles: New Directions for Preventing Free Radical Damage and Natural Phytochemical Nrf2 Activators for Chemoprevention. I started working on a new Nrf2-activator formula I called Ultimate Protector that incorporated many of the ideas contained in these articles. The product was introduced November 2012.
More recently, in early 2019, I decided to upgrade the product using new information and ingredients. The upgraded product is called Ultimate Protector+. In this article, I provide new details of our design logic and product ingredients. I expect the new formula to be released in July 2019.

Ultimate Protector+™ is a unique cell protection formula that simultaneously meets the needs for high levels of non-GMO Vitamin C, full spectrum antioxidants (high ORAC values), and protective enzyme activators (Nrf2 activators) in a single product. This potent combination of characteristics distinguishes the formula because no other single product available today offers such complete protection. This is the single best formula for preventing free radical damage that is available.
Ultimate Protector+™ provides extremely high levels of natural antioxidants, including high levels of ingredients such as polyphenols, flavonoids, anthocyanidins, oligomeric proanthocyanidins, catechins, curcuminoids, pterostilbene, resveratrol, chlorogenic acid, punicalagins, zeaxanthin and other carotenoids that act powerfully as antioxidants. These antioxidants come from more than 12 plant-based ingredients with demonstrated free-radical quenching capacity. These “exogenous” food-based antioxidants (supplied from outside the body) provide you with immense oxidative defenses that can be used to defend against free-radical assault.
Ultimate Protector+™ contains USP-grade non-GMO Vitamin C , SFB® standardized fruit blend (~50% polyphenols, high-ORAC powder: 9,000 µmole TE/g) from Grape, Cranberry, Pomegranate, Blueberry, Apple, Mangosteen, Bilberry, Chokeberry, and Goji Berry), Curcumin (standardized extract with 95% curcuminoids), Trans-Resveratrol (98% from Giant Knotweed), Green Tea Extract (90% polyphenols, 50% EGCG), VinCare® Whole Grape Extract (>80% polyphenols, ORAC>19,000 µmole TE/g), Calcium Malate, Magnesium Malate, and Bioperine® (a patented black pepper extract that enhances absorption of all ingredients and is a known Nrf2 activator).
Ultimate Protector+™ is contained in a capsule suitable for vegetarians (i.e., a veggie cap) and contains no magnesium stearate.
Ultimate Protector+™ satisfies three distinct needs:
1) The need for a non-GMO Vitamin C product. That is, a Vitamin C formula that avoids protein from genetically modified sources such as corn, potatoes, or beets.
2) The need for a single, powerful antioxidant formula for preventing free radical damage. That is, a single, easy-to-take antioxidant formula offering a broad range of extremely high-ORAC plant source antioxidants. These antioxidants should protect against the full range of free radicals found in the human body including: superoxide anion (O2·-), peroxyl radicals (ROO·), hydroxyl radicals (HO·), singlet oxygen (1O2), peroxynitrite (ONOO-), and hypochlorite (HOCl).
3) The need for a supplement providing a full spectrum of Nrf2 activators. That is, a supplement providing a wide range of natural Nrf2 transcription factor activators that allow the body to make its own antioxidant enzymes (e.g., superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, hemeoxygenase, and glutathione peroxidase). Scientific research has shown that these are found naturally in many fruits, vegetable, and herbs. These ingredients provide a wide range of Nrf2 activators that result in significantly high levels of the endogenously produced antioxidant enzymes.
The ways Ultimate Protector+™ satisfies these three needs are discussed below:
High-quality, USP grade Vitamin C has been obtained historically from corn, potatoes, and/or beets. Unfortunately, many of these sources have to a large extent gone to genetically modified (GMO) variants. However, with highly refined production methods and the use of PCR testing, we have been able to obtain final products that are free from GMOs.
In nature, Vitamin C is found generally in plant sources containing polyphenols. Vitamin C and polyphenols work together to provide a high level of antioxidant protection and they support the function of each other in the process. For example, Vitamin C is needed by the body to produce collagen and certain polyphenols (especially oligomeric proanthocyanidins) (OPCs) crosslink the collagen and make it stronger.
Free radicals are reactive species that can have adverse effects on normal physiological functions. Studies associate the six major types of free radicals (i.e., hydroxyl, peroxyl, peroxynitrite, singlet oxygen, superoxide anion, and hypochlorite) with health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, breakdown of vital proteins, chronic inflammation, Alzheimer’s disease, and certain cancers. Avoiding free radical damage is the goal.
Antioxidants function as a vital line of defense against free radicals by blocking their attack on DNA, vital proteins, lipids, and amino acids. Until now, efforts to identify the effect of antioxidants on all six types of free radicals were constrained by limited testing procedures. However, new technological developments have resulted in a comprehensive testing method developed by Brunswick Labs called the Total ORAC6.0 assay. Because of the development of the Total ORAC6.0 test, it is now possible to target and measure the effects of antioxidants on the six major types of free radicals found in the body.
Recently [8/2019] Brunswick Labs has tested ULTIMATE PROTECTOR+™ using the new ORAC6.0 test. The results reveal an incredible overall ORAC6.0 value of 272,743 µmole TE/gram (i.e., 272,743 per gram!). This corresponds to a total ORAC6.0 value per of over 968,000 μmole TE per serving of 6 six small capsules. In addition, the ORAC5.0 value was measured to be over 950,000 μmole TE per serving. The results have shown that the formula offers excellent protection against all of the six major types of free radicals found in the body.
In order to survive under a variety of environmental or intracellular stresses, our cells have developed highly efficient protective mechanisms to protect themselves from oxidative or electrophilic challenges. Proteins that comprise phase II detoxification and antioxidant enzymes provide an enzymatic line of defense against reactive oxygen species (ROS). These enzymes include superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione S-transferase (GST), and glutamate cysteine ligase.
Induction of phase II and antioxidant enzymes are regulated at the DNA/gene level by an antioxidant responsive element (ARE). ARE-mediated gene expression plays a central role in the cellular defense against cellular oxidative damage. Experimental evidence supports the view that induction of ARE-mediated cytoprotective enzymes is a critical and sufficient mechanism to enable protection against disease provoked by environmental and endogenous insults.
One of the key ARE-binding transcription factors is Nrf2. Induction of cytoprotective enzymes in response to ROS, electrophiles, and phytochemicals is a cellular event that is highly dependent on Nrf2 protein. By activating Nrf2 signaling, phytochemicals can increase cellular detoxification and antioxidant enzymes, thereby enhancing removal of ROS and toxic chemicals and preventing disease. Numerous research studies carried out over the last 15 years have demonstrated the effectiveness of a very wide range of Nrf2 activators extracted from fruits, vegetables, and herbs.
For example, a study with sulforaphane (an isothiocyanate present abundantly in cruciferous vegetables) shows that oral administration of this phytochemical can effectively block benzo[a]pyrene-induced forestomach tumors in mice. This protective effect was abrogated in mice that could not produce Nrf2. This supports the critical role of phase II detoxification and antioxidant enzymes in the prevention of carcinogenesis by chemopreventive agents.
Nrf2 is normally bound in the cytoplasm of cells to a protein called KEAP1. However, when an appropriate phytochemical agent attaches to a kinase receptor on the cell wall a phosphate group is released that causes the Nrf2 to be released. Also, there are other mechanisms that allow Nrf2 to be released from KEAP1. The released Nrf2 then migrates into the cell nucleus and causes an antioxidant enzyme (e.g., superoxide dismutase (SOD)) to be fabricated and released. This endogenously produced enzyme then can protect against ROS, electrophiles, and other toxic agents.
In practical experience, it has been found that a combination of multiple polyphenols works significantly better than single ingredients. In fact, in one experiment it was found that a combination of five ingredients all known to be Nrf2 activators was 18 times more effective than any single ingredient. Furthermore, it was found that this combination of five ingredients was able to increase levels of SOD by 30% and catalase by 56% after 120 days of taking the combination.
In view of the considerations above, we include a wide range of Nrf2 activators in Ultimate Protector+™. These include a large variety of freeze-dried and concentrated fruits, vegetables, and herbs. These include Grape, Cranberry, Pomegranate, Blueberry, Apple, Mangosteen, Bilberry, Chokeberry, Goji Berry), Curcumin (standardized extract with 95% curcuminoids), Trans-Resveratrol (98% from Giant Knotweed), Green Tea Extract (93% polyphenols, 50% EGCG), VinCare® Whole Grape Extract (>80% polyphenols, ORAC>19,000 µmole TE/g)
Ultimate Protector+™ includes the following phytonutrients in its array of freeze-dried and concentrated fruits, vegetables, and herbs: polyphenols, flavonoids, anthocyanins, catechins, proanthocyanins, ellagic acid, xanthines, chlorogenic acid, pterostilbenes, resveratrol, phloridzin, quercetin, zeaxanthin, carotinoids, polysaccharides, quinic acid, and more.
The phytochemical ingredients in Ultimate Protector+™ are discussed below:
1. SFB® – (Standardized Fruit Blend)
SFB® is a nutritious, non-GMO blend that provides a broad spectrum of polyphenols, anthocyanins, and other antioxidants derived from water and/or ethanol extracts of grape (Vitis vinifera), cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon), pomegranate (Punica granatum) with >75% polyphenols, blueberry (Vaccinium uliginosum), apple (Malus pumilla Mill), mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana), bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillis), chokeberry (Aronia arbutifolia), and goji berry (Lycium barbarum). This powder has an ORAC value in excess of 9,000 µmole TE/g and contains 50% polyphenols.
Polyphenols and anthocyanins are not all created equal. Every fruit, vegetable and herb provides its own set of unique polyphenols and anthocyanins that reside in the body for different lengths of time and in different locations, providing a range of benefits. SFB® has been designed to provide a wide range of plant polyphenols, flavonoids, anthocyanins, catechins, OPCs, zeaxanthin and other carotinoids, etc. Published research associates these plant ingredients with healthy aging, inflammation management, improved blood sugar metabolism, and cardiovascular disease management.
SFB® provides the following benefits: Superior source of natural antioxidants and Nrf2 activators, helps ameliorate the effects of premature aging, promotes cardiovascular health, promotes healthy brain function and mental acuity, promotes healthy vision, promotes healthy blood sugar levels, and is an excellent source of flavonoids and organic acids.
I have prepared detailed blog articles for the ingredients in SFB®. Below some of these are summarized and links to the articles are provided.

Cranberry extract is an especially good source of antioxidant polyphenols. In animal studies, the polyphenols in cranberries have been found to decrease levels of total cholesterol and so-called “bad” cholesterol. Cranberries may also inhibit the growth of tumors in human breast tissue and lower the risk of both stomach ulcers and gum disease.
Here is a list of the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory phytonutrients in found in cranberry extract.
Type of Phytonutrient Specific Molecules
Phenolic Acids hydroxybenzoic acids including vanillic acids;
—Phenolic Acids (cont.) hydroxycinnamic acids inculding caffeic,
—Phenolic Acids (cont.) coumaric, cinnamic, and ferulic acid
Proanthocyanidins epicatechin oligomers
Anthocyanins cyanidins, malvidins, and peonidins
Flavonoids quercetin, myricetin, kaempferol
Triterpenoids ursolic acid
- Cranberries hold significantly high amounts of phenolic flavonoid phytochemicals called oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPC’s). Scientific studies have shown that consumption of the berries have potential health benefits regarding cancer, aging and neurological diseases, inflammation, diabetes, and bacterial infections.
- Antioxidant compounds in cranberry extract including OPC’s, anthocyanidin flavonoids, cyanidin, peonidin and quercetin may support cardiovascular health by counteracting against cholesterol plaque formation in the heart and blood vessels. Further, these compounds help the human body lower LDL cholesterol levels and increase HDL-good cholesterol levels in the blood.
- Scientific studies show that cranberry juice consumption offers protection against gram-negative bacterial infections such as E.coli in the urinary system by inhibiting bacterial-attachment to the bladder and urethra.
- It is known that cranberries turns urine acidic. This, together with the inhibition of bacterial adhesion helps prevent the formation of alkaline (calcium ammonium phosphate) stones in the urinary tract by working against proteus bacterial-infections.
- In addition, the berries prevent plaque formation on the tooth enamel by interfering with the ability of the gram-negative bacterium, Streptococcus mutans, to stick to the surface. In this way cranberries helps prevent the development of cavities.
- The berries are also good source of many vitamins like vitamin C, vitamin A, ß-carotene, lutein, zea-xanthin, and folate and minerals like potassium, and manganese.
- Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) demonstrates cranberry at an ORAC score of 9584 µmol TE units per 100 g, one of the highest in the category of edible berries.

For thousands of years, the pomegranate has been extensively used as a source of food and medicine. Full of antioxidants, vitamin C and potassium, pomegranate has been used to control body weight, reduce cholesterol, fight against cell damage, and inhibit viral infections. Pomegranate extracts have anti-bacterial effects.
Pomegranates are rich in ellagic acid, gallic acid, lignans, polyphenols and other bioactive compounds, and have been shown to lower blood pressure and enhance vascular function. Furthermore, it can offset some of the negative effects of medications and chemicals. These compounds occur naturally in its peel, seeds, leaf and juice. The seeds are high in p-coumaric acid, plant sterols, tannins and fatty acids. In addition to their antihypertensive effects, they may help reduce blood sugar levels.
Pomegranate fruit is a rounded berry with a thick reddish skin covering approximately 200–1400 white to deep red or purple seeds. Pomegranate seeds are edible and hold strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties due to their high content of hydrolysable tannins and anthocyanins. As compared to the antioxidant activity of vitamin E, β-carotene, and ascorbic acid, the pomegranate antioxidants appear unique due to combinations of a wide array of polyphenols, having a broader range of action against several types of free radicals. As compared to the recognized antioxidants in red wine and green tea, anthocyanins from pomegranate fruit possess significantly higher antioxidant activity.
Pomegranate has been used in various medicinal systems of medicine for the treatment and therapy of a multitude of diseases and ailments. In the ancient Indian medicinal system, i.e., in Ayurvedic medicine, the pomegranate was considered to be a whole pharmacy unto itself. It was recommended to be used as an antiparasitic agent and to treat diarrhea and ulcers. The medicinal properties of pomegranate have sparked significant interest in today’s scientific community as evidenced by the scientific research relating to health benefits of pomegranate that have been published in last few decades.
Studies have shown that pomegranate and its constituents can efficiently affect multiple signaling pathways involved in inflammation, cellular transformation, hyperproliferation, angiogenesis, initiation of tumorigenesis, and eventually suppressing the final steps of tumorigenesis and metastasis. The pomegranate constituents are shown to modulate transcription factors, pro-apoptotic proteins, anti-apoptotic proteins, cell cycle regulator molecules, protein kinases, cell adhesion molecules, pro-inflammatory mediators, and growth factors.

Aronia melanocarpa (black chokeberry) has attracted scientific interest due to its deep purple, almost black pigmentation that arises from dense contents of polyphenols, especially anthocyanins. Total polyphenol content is 1752 mg per 100 g in fresh berries, anthocyanin content is 1480 mg per 100 g, and proanthocyanidin concentration is 664 mg per 100 g. These values are among the highest measured in plants to date.
The plant produces these pigments mainly in the leaves and skin of the berries to protect the pulp and seeds from constant exposure to ultraviolet radiation and production of free radicals. By absorbing UV rays in the blue-purple spectrum, leaf and skin pigments filter intense sunlight, serve antioxidant functions and thereby have a role assuring regeneration of the species.
Analysis of polyphenols in chokeberries has identified the following individual chemicals (among hundreds known to exist in the plant kingdom): cyanidin-3-galactoside, cyanidin-3-arabinoside, quercetin-3-glycoside, epicatechin, caffeic acid, delphinidin, petunidin, pelargonidin, peonidin, and malvidin.All these except caffeic acid are members of the flavonoid category of phenolics.
In a standard measurement of antioxidant strength, the oxygen radical absorbance capacity or ORAC, demonstrates aronia to have one of the highest values yet recorded for a fruit — 16,062 micro moles of Trolox Eq. per 100 g. The components contributing to this high measurement were both anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins, with the proanthocyanidin level “among the highest in foods”, which may explain their potent astringent taste.
d) Goji Berry

Goji Berries contain abundant polysaccharides (LBPs, comprising 5%–8% of the dried fruits), scopoletin (6-methoxy-7-hydroxycoumarin, also named chrysatropic acid, ecopoletin, gelseminic acid, and scopoletol), the glucosylated precursor, and stable vitamin C analog 2-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl-L-ascorbic acid, carotenoids (zeaxanthin and β-carotene), betaine, cerebroside, β-sitosterol, flavonoids, amino acids, minerals, and vitamins (in particular, riboflavin, thiamin, and ascorbic acid).
The predominant carotenoid is zeaxanthin, which exists mainly as dipalmitate (also called physalien or physalin). The content of vitamin C (up to 42 mg/100 g) in goji berry (also known as wolfberry) is comparable to that of fresh lemon fruits. As to the seeds, they contain zeaxanthin (83%), β-cryptoxanthin (7%), β-carotene (0.9%), and mutatoxanthin (1.4%), as well as some minor carotenoids.
In fact, increasing lines of experimental studies have revealed that L. barbarum berries have a wide array of pharmacological activities, which is thought to be mainly due to its high LBPs content. Water-soluble LBPs are obtained using an extraction process that removes the lipid soluble components such as zeaxanthin and other carotenoids with alcohol. LBPs are estimated to comprise 5%–8% of LBFs and have a molecular weight ranging from 24 kDa to 241 kDa. LBPs consist of a complex mixture of highly branched and only partly characterized polysaccharides and proteoglycans.
The glycosidic part accounts, in most cases, for about 90%–95% of the mass and consists of arabinose, glucose, galactose, mannose, rhamnose, xylose, and galacturonic acid. LBPs are considered the most important functional constituents in LBFs. Different fractions of LBPs have different activities and the galacturonic acid content is an imperative factor for activities of LBP. The bioactivities of polysaccharides are often in reverse proportion with their molecular weights. Increasing lines of evidence from both preclinical and clinical studies support the medicinal, therapeutic, and health-promoting effects of LBPs.
e) Mangosteen

The Mangosteen extract in Ultimate Protector+ has been extracted with non-GMO food grade ethanol and distilled water. Testing has indicated the product contains over 10% polyphenols.
Mangosteen extract in obtained from the skin and whole fruit for which numerous biological activities have been reported including: antimutagenic, antibacterial, hypocholesterolemic, antioxidant, and protective against tumorigenesis.
Mangosteen contains nutrients with antioxidant capacity, such as vitamin C and folate. Plus, it provides xanthones — a unique type of plant compound known to have strong antioxidant properties. In several test-tube and animal studies, the antioxidant activity of xanthones has resulted in anti-inflammatory, anticancer, anti-aging, heart protective, and antidiabetic effects.
Additionally, some research suggests that certain plant compounds in mangosteen may have antibacterial properties — which could benefit your immune health by combating potentially harmful bacteria. In a 30-day study in 59 people, those taking a mangosteen-containing supplement experienced reduced markers of inflammation and significantly greater increases in healthy immune cell numbers compared to those taking a placebo.

Apples contain a large concentration of flavonoids, as well as a variety of other phytochemicals, and the concentration of these phytochemicals may depend on many factors, such as cultivar of the apple, harvest and storage of the apples, and processing of the apples. The concentration of phytochemicals also varies greatly between the apple peels and the apple flesh.
Some of the most well studied antioxidant compounds in apples include quercetin-3-galactoside, quercetin-3-glucoside, quercetin-3-rhamnoside, catechin, epicatechin, procyanidin, cyanidin-3-galactoside, coumaric acid, chlorogenic acid, gallic acid, and phloridzin. Recently researchers have examined the average concentrations of the major phenolic compounds in six cultivars of apples. They found that the average phenolic concentrations among the six cultivars were: quercetin glycosides, 13.2 mg/100 g fruit; vitamin C, 12.8 mg/100 g fruit; procyanidin B, 9.35 mg/100 g fruit; chlorogenic acid, 9.02 mg/100 g fruit; epicatechin, 8.65 mg/100 g fruit; and phloretin glycosides, 5.59 mg/100 g fruit.
The compounds most commonly found in apple peels consist of the procyanidins, catechin, epicatechin, chlorogenic acid, phloridzin, and the quercetin conjugates. In the apple flesh, there is some catechin, procyanidin, epicatechin, and phloridzin, but these compounds are found in much lower concentrations than in the peels. Quercetin conjugates are found exclusively in the peel of the apples. Chlorogenic acid tends to be higher in the flesh than in the peel.
Because the apple peels contain more antioxidant compounds, especially quercetin, apple peels may have higher antioxidant activity and higher bioactivity than the apple flesh. Research showed that apples without the peels had less antioxidant activity than apples with the peels. Apples with the peels were also better able to inhibit cancer cell proliferation when compared to apples without the peels. More recent work has shown that apple peels contain anywhere from two to six times (depending on the variety) more phenolic compounds than in the flesh, and two to three times more flavonoids in the peels when compared to the flesh. The antioxidant activity of these peels was also much greater, ranging from two to six times greater in the peels when compared to the flesh, depending on the variety of the apple. This work is supported a study which found that rats consuming apple peels showed greater inhibition of lipid peroxidation and greater plasma antioxidant capacity when compared to rats fed apple flesh.
Many of these phytochemicals from apples have been widely studied, and many potential health benefits have been attributed to these specific phytochemicals. The procyanidins, epicatechin and catechin, have strong antioxidant activity and have been found to inhibit low density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation in vitro. In mice, catechin inhibits intestinal tumor formation and delays tumors onset. One study found that chlorogenic acid has very high alkyl peroxyl radical (ROO•) scavenging activity. Compared to about 18 other antioxidant compounds (including quercetin, gallic acid, α-tocopherol), chlorogenic was second only to rutin. Since ROO• may enhance tumor promotion and carcinogenesis, chlorogenic acid may add to the protective effect of apples against cancer. Chlorogenic acid has been found to inhibit 8-dehydroxy-deoxyguanosine formation in cellular DNA in a rat model following treatment with 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide.
Quercetin is also a strong antioxidant, and is thought to have potential protective effects against both cancer and heart disease. Briefly, quercetin has been found to down regulate expression of mutant p53 in breast cancer cells, arrest human leukemic T-cells in G1, inhibit tyrosine kinase, and inhibit heat shock proteins. Quercetin has protected Caco-2 cells from lipid peroxidation induced by hydrogen peroxide and Fe2+. In mice liver treated with ethanol, quercetin decreased lipid oxidation and increased glutathione, protecting the liver from oxidative damage. Recently, it has been found that high doses of quercetin inhibit cell proliferation in colon carcinoma cell lines and in mammary adenocarcinoma cell lines, but at low doses quercetin increased cell proliferation (20% in colon cancer cells and 100% in breast cancer cells). However, low doses of quercetin (10 uM) inhibited cell proliferation in Mol-4 Human Leukemia cells and also induced apoptosis. Quercetin inhibited intestinal tumor growth in mice, but not in rats. Low levels of quercetin inhibited platelet aggregation, calcium mobilization, and tyrosine protein phosphorylation in platelets. Modulation of platelet activity may help prevent cardiovascular disease.
g) Blueberry and Bilberry Extract
The key compounds in bilberry fruit are called anthocyanins and anthocyanosides. These compounds help build strong blood vessels and improve circulation to all areas of the body. They also prevent blood platelets from clumping together (helping to reduce the risk of blood clots), and they have antioxidant properties (preventing or reducing damage to cells from free radicals). Anthocyanins boost the production of rhodopsin, a pigment that improves night vision and helps the eye adapt to light changes.
Bilberry fruit is also rich in tannins, a substance that acts as an astringent. The tannins have anti-inflammatory properties and may help control diarrhea.
Bilberries have been shown to have the highest Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) rating of more than 20 fresh fruits and berries. The antioxidant properties of bilberries were shown to be even stronger than those of cranberries, raspberries, strawberries, plums, or cultivated blueberries.
The antioxidant powers and health benefits of bilberries and blueberries can be attributed to a number of remarkable compounds contained in them, including the following:
- Anthocyanins
- malvidins
- delphinidins
- pelargonidins
- cyanidins
- peonidins
- Hydroxycinnamic acids
- caffeic acids
- ferulic acids
- coumaric acids
- Hydroxybenzoic acids
- gallic acids
- procatchuic acids
- Flavonols
- kaempferol
- quercetin
- myricetin
- Other phenol-related phytonutrients
- pterostilbene
- resveratrol
- Other nutrients
- lutein
- zeaxanthin
- Vitamin K
- Vitamin C
- manganese
2) Curcumin

We have included Curcumin (95% curcuminoids in ULTIMATE PROTECTOR™. This ingredient contains three main chemical compounds – Curcumin, Demethoxycurcumin and Bisdemethoxycurcumin – collectively known as Curcuminoids and all derived from Turmeric. Curcumin has been shown to be one of the most potent Nrf2 transcription factor activators. Studies have reported that curcumin and turmeric protect the liver against several toxicants both in vitro and in vivo. A number of reports showed the curative action of turmeric and curcuminoids. Curcumin is a potent scavenger of free radicals such as superoxide anion radicals, hydroxyl radicals, and nitrogen dioxide radicals. It exerts powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
3) Trans-Resveratrol (98% from Polygonum cuspidatum – giant knotweed)
Knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum) is a major source for resveratrol.
Trans-resveratrol provides antioxidant protection, boosts cellular energy, and balances the immune system. It has been proven in studies to activate the SIRT1 longevity gene and enhance cellular productivity. Several research studies have shown that trans-resveratrol activates Nrf2 transcription factor, significantly modulates biomarkers of bone metabolism, inhibits pro-inflammatory enzymes such as COX-1 and COX-2, and exhibits cardioprotective effects, neuroprotective properties, and caloric restrictive behavior. Trans-resveratrol has shown the ability to increase the number of mitochondria thereby increasing total daily energy. Studies have shown that trans-resveratrol promotes an increase in mitochondrial function. Increased mitochondrial function translates into an increase in energy availability, improved aerobic capacity, and enhanced sensorimotor function. Trans-resveratrol has an ORAC value of 31,000 µmole TE/g.
4) Green Tea Extract

Green Tea Extract contains highly bioavailable bioflavonoid complexes that in research studies have been shown to have powerful antioxidant capability. Green tea extract is obtained from the unfermented leaves of Camellia sinensis for which numerous biological activities have been reported including: cell protective, antimicrobial, and antioxidant. The green tea extract in Ultimate Protector is extracted is extracted by non-GMO ethanol and distilled water and contains ~ 90% polyphenols and 50% epigallocatechingallate (EGCG).
Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is the most abundant catechin compound in green tea. It is well established that EGCG is a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. Epidemiological studies show that consumption of 100 or more mg of EGCG per day is beneficial, as it is the most potent Nrf2 activator among all green tea catechins. EGCG exhibits robust diffusion through bodily tissues, including the endothelium of the blood brain barrier.
EGCG has the capacity to activate Nrf2/ARE and induce Heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) expression. Several studies have shown that EGCG can also interact with kinases, causing the disassociation of Nrf2/Keap1 complex.
Protective effects of EGCG have been reported against ischemia/reperfusion injury. Administration of EGCG showed improved neurologic scores, reduced infarct volume, and ameliorated neuronal apoptosis due to increased GSH biosynthesis (via Nrf2 activation) and decreased ROS content. By inducing the expression of Nrf2 and HO-1, EGCG increases important endogenous antioxidants in microglial cells.
5) VinCare® whole grape extract (seed, pulp, and skin)

Whole Grape Extract contains highly bioavailable bioflavonoid complexes that in research studies have been shown to have powerful antioxidant capability. The Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins (OPCs) in grape extract are able to strengthen collagen fibers in aging or damaged connective tissue and can act as a preventative against connective tissue degradation. Some research indicates that anthocyanidins, which are found in extracts of grape seed, skin, and stems (but not in grape seed extract), can reduce oxidized glutathione while at the same time become reduced themselves. In addition, extracts of grape skin and pulp (but not those of grape seed extract) contain trans-resveratrol that has been shown to have cell protective effects.
Grape seed extract has been reported to demonstrate a remarkable spectrum of biological, pharmacological and therapeutic properties against oxidative stress. The antioxidative activities of grape seed extract have been found to be much stronger than those of vitamins C and E. Studies have indicated that grape seed extract showed a protective effect on cardiovascular disease, nephropathy, atherosclerosis, and neuropathy, among other conditions.
Vincare® contains ~80% polypnenols and has an ORAC value of about 19,000 µmole TE/g. ORAC 5.0 testing of grape seed extract exhibits one of the highest values of any tested material at about 100,000 µmole TE/g.
It has been shown that grape seed OPCs activate nuclear erythroid2-related factor2 (Nrf2), which is a key antioxidative transcription factor, with the concomitant elevation of downstream hemeoxygenase-1 (HO-1). Click here to view an excellent article entitled Proanthocyanidins [OPCs] against Oxidative Stress: From Molecular Mechanisms to Clinical Applications.
7) Bioperine®:
Bioperine® is a black pepper extract that has been shown to enhance the absorption of nutrients by 30–60 percent and makes all of the nutrients in this product more effective.
Ultimate Protector+™ will be most effective when used in conjunction with other foundational nutritional supplements that support the body’s metabolism, including Multi Two or Mighty Multi-Vite!™ (therapeutic multivitamin formulas), Omega Plus (essential fatty acids with Vitamin E), PRO-C™ (antioxidant formula), and one of our high-RNA Rejuvenate!™ superfoods.
COMPOSITION: six veggie capsules provides the following percentages of the Daily Value:
Serving Size: 6 Veggie Capsules Servings per Container: 30 | |||
Amount Per Serving | Amounts | % Daily Value | |
Vitamin C (as 100% USP-grade, non-GMO ascorbic acid) | 1,500 mg | 1667% | |
Calcium (from calcium malate) | 60 mg | 6 | |
Magnesium (from magnesium malate) | 60 mg | 15 | |
SFB®† (50% polyphenols, Orac: 9,000 units/gm) | 180 mg | * | |
Curcumin (95% min. curcuminoids from Curcuma longa) (root) | 135 mg | * | |
Green Tea extract (92% polyphenols, 50% EGCG) | 135 mg | * | |
Trans-Resveratrol 98% | 135 mg | * | |
Vincare®† whole grape extract (80% polyphenols, Orac: 19,000 units/gm) | 135 mg | * | |
Bioperine®†† | 7.5 mg | * | |
* | |||
* Daily Value not established |
Other ingredients: vegetarian capsule (veggie cap), microcrystalline cellulose, silica, and ascorbyl palmitate.
Directions for Use: As a dietary supplement take two capsules three times daily with food, or as directed by a health care professional.
ULTIMATE PROTECTOR Does Not Contain: wheat, rye, oats, barley, corn, gluten, soy, egg, dairy, yeast, sugar, shellfish, GMOs, wax, preservatives, colorings, or artificial flavorings.
ULTIMATE PROTECTOR+™ will be most effective when used in conjunction with other foundational nutritional supplements that support the body’s metabolism, including Multi Two or Mighty Multi-Vite!™ (therapeutic multivitamin formulas), Essential Fats plus E (essential fatty acids with Vitamin E), PRO-C™ (antioxidant formula), and one of our high-RNA Rejuvenate!™ superfoods.
†SFB® and VinCare® are registered trademark of Ethical Naturals, Inc.
†† Bioperine® is a registered trademark of Sabinsa Corporation.