Health Products Distributors, Inc. recently decided to augment the variety of liposomal products we carry based upon the significant advancements of the technology during the last few years.
Among the benefits of using liposomes are that significantly higher levels of certain nutrients can be delivered directly to the cells where they are needed. In this article, I will discuss some of the recent scientific advances and new products associated with these advances.

In December 2015, I wrote a blog article on liposomes to introduce the liposomal products we began selling at that time. Unfortunately, the particle size of these original products are on the order of 500 nanometers (nm), and as such are not nearly as well absorbed as the much smaller liposomes that have recently been developed by Quicksilver Scientific.
Figure 1 gives an overview of current liposome types. These include multi-lamellar vesicles (MLV) that range in size from 300–5,000 nm and have more than one bilayer.
Large unilamellar vesicles (LUV) range in size from 100–300 nm. They have a single bilayer and a high trapped volume, but have lower thermodynamic stability and decreased uptake.
Small unilamellar vesicles (SUV) range in size from 20–100 nm. SUV have a long circulation half-life and better cellular accumulation. Small lipid particles have the fastest uptake kinetics and can participate in paracellular (between cells) transport. The nutritional liposome industry is moving toward the use of SUV.
Small liposomes (SUV) are drastically more efficient at intracellular delivery of encapsulated compounds. In a recent study with carefully sized liposomes, cellular uptake increased nine-fold as liposome size was decreased from 236 nm to 97 nm and was 34 fold higher at 64 nm (see Figure 2). This figure shows flow cytometry results (a measure of cellular uptake) for Caco-2 cells incubated with liposomes containing Dil-C18 at 15 min and 60 min intervals.

Our new liposomal product supplier currently is providing a wide range of products that have stable liposomes of about 50 nm. These products are bottled in such a way that they are taken by pumping (or squirting) the contents directly into your mouth (i.e., oral administration). This is an extremely clean method of dosing in which a few pumps of liposomal liquid can be rapidly taken or administered with no need for placing the product into separate glass of water or squeezing packets.
Because of the very small size much of the ingredients are absorbed through mucus membranes and into the system and cells extremely quickly (within seconds/minutes). In addition to the ingredients within the liposome, one gets significant amounts of phosphytidal choline into the cell membranes with a very beneficial effect on membrane function.
We are currently carrying the following Quicksilver Scientific liposomal products:
- Vitamin C with R-Lipoic Acid
- Glutathione
- Colorado Hemp Oil
- NanoMojo – a unique combination of 19 adaptogenic herbs
We highly encourage that you use the products because of the huge benefits they provide. We use them ourselves every day.