Fred Liers PhD restore liquid mineral supplement ion gut healthHeard of RESTORE (ION* GUT HEALTH) liquid mineral supplement? If not, you’re about to discover something important for gut health.

ION* GUT HEALTH (formerly RESTORE) is formulated to help restore gut health. It works by strengthening the integrity of tight junctions in your intestinal wall.

Maintaining tight junctions is important because they protect your body from substances entering the blood stream. ION* GUT HEALTH (formerly Restore) also supports the communications systems of the bacteria in your microbiome.

Tight junctions are natural barriers protecting the lining of your gut barrier, organs such as kidneys and heart, and the blood-brain barrier thereby keeping out unwanted substances. Even as we take in nutrients from the GI tract, the function of tight junctions is maintaining the integrity of the gut wall and other barriers that protect the body.

These days, our gut membrane has a tough job keeping out unwanted substances. Because tight junctions are weakened by many things, including highly processed foods, especially those containing gluten and gliadin, the herbicide glyphosate (the primary ingredient in RoundUp weedkiller), and other exposures like electromagnetic fields (EMF) from digital devices and Wi-Fi networks.

As a result of weakened tight junctions, undesirable substances from food proteins, harmful chemicals and other toxins can slip though into our bloodstream. This can lead to a powerful immune response that can weaken immunity and cause significant inflammation. Foreign substances in the bloodstream can also result in extreme food allergies and food sensitivities to various toxins entering the body.

We live in an age in which our microbiome health is under assault. Studies show our ancient ancestors had 20,000–30,000 different strains of beneficial bacteria in their GI tracts. Many people today have just 5,000 or less. Why is that?

There are many reasons for low microbiome diversity. These reasons include antiobiotic use (both from pharmaceuticals and foods), glyphosate (which essentially acts like an antibiotic), processed foods (especially those containing gluten and gliadin), and systemic degradation of the gut environment rendering it less hospitable for maintaining health populations of gut flora.

These impacts are significant because diversity in your microbiome not only supports gut health, but also appropriate brain health, immune system health, and overall vitality. ION* Gut Health (Restore) acts as a “microbiome fertilizer” helping establish and maintain healthy microbiota.

In fact, ION* Gut Health (Restore) contains important “redox” molecules produced millions of years ago by existing soil bacteria. These molecules are an important part of communications systems within the body between gut bacteria and with the body’s mitochondria. These communication systems play an important role in establishing proper homeostasis throughout the body.


There are important reasons to try ION* GUT HEALTH (Restore)—whether or not you experience significant gut health issues. These reasons include:

• Maintaining strong tight junctions for mega membrane health, and helping the body restore tight junction integrity

• Creating an environment in which beneficial bacteria can thrive

• Boosting microbiome diversity

• Healing the gut

• Mitigating the adverse effects substances like antibiotics, gluten/gliadin, glyphosate, and GMOs on microbiome health

• Supporting immune system function

• Protecting integrity of blood-brain barrier

Other benefits include support for respiratory wellness, enhancing mental clarity, and promoting proper homeostasis throughout the body.

For all these reasons and more, you should consider taking ION* GUT HEALTH (formerly Restore). You can start by taking one teaspoon or less daily, and gradually increasing your dose to one tablespoon or more.Restore Ion gut health liquid supplement

I have taken ION* GUT HEALTH (formerly Restore) daily for more than two years, and benefit greatly from it. The most noticeable effects are a complete cessation of spring allergies (after two decades of worsening symptoms), greater clarity of thinking, and improved overall well being. I have seen other people get good results with a variety of conditions from dysbiosis to gluten/gliadin sensitivity.


You can learn more about ION* Gut Health (Restore) on our website. Also, the Restore website offers in-depth information and videos. Here is how the Restore website and Dr. Zach Bush describe the formula:

ION* Gut Health (Restore) is a dietary supplement supplying first line defense against daily exposure to environmental and food-borne factors. It helps create an optimal environment or ecology in the gut membrane for beneficial or “good” bacteria to flourish. Beneficial gut flora protect your immune system and maintain health. Restore is a scientifically proven soil-derived mineral supplement designed to support protection of the intestinal walls.

ION* Gut Health (Restore) protects the entire gastrointestinal (GI) tract against agricultural herbicides, antibiotics, GMOs, gluten, and food-borne toxins. It helps create an environment in which 20,000–30,000 different strains of beneficial gut bacteria can thrive. This is a far different mode of action from probiotics, most of which contain just 3–30 strains of beneficial bacteria.

ION* Gut Health (Restore) helps create a strong immune system along with proper gut function. Microbiome balance and tight junction integrity are known to constitute a significant part of the immune system. They directly affect DNA transcription of cells to promote optimal health and prevent a leaky gut syndrome, thereby improving gut intelligence.

Seventy percent (70%) of our immune system is found in our gut. We need tens of thousands different strains of good gut bacteria to support a healthy immune system. Clinical experience, in addition to cell culture studies, support the theory that Restore’s proprietary formula creates the optimal environment in the gut to create a tight junction barrier and maintain our health and wellness.

ION* Gut Health (Restore) is a daily liquid supplement designed to support the protection of the entire gastrointestinal (GI) tract against agricultural herbicides, antibiotics, GMOs, gluten and food-borne toxins by helping to create an environment where between 20,000-30,000 different strains of good gut bacteria thrive. Most probiotics on the market contain fewer than 24 different strains of good gut bacteria.


ION* Gut Health is ideal for individuals suffering from gut health issues. Yet, it is also excellent for supporting and maintaining gut health generally. That is the reason we at HPDI consider Restore important enough to designate as a foundational supplement, one of the top six supplements you need for good health.

Given the safety and effectiveness of ION* Gut Health (Restore), there is broad applicability for its use. This is especially true because gut and microbiome health are under constant assault. These assaults range from multiple environmental and lifestyle factors—including poor diets high in processed foods, antibiotics in pharmaceuticals and animal foods—to massive glyphosate (herbicide) contamination of foods, soils, air, and water.

Let ION* Gut Health be your first line of defense against assaults on your gut health, tight junctions, microbiome diversity, and immune function. As it says on the bottle, “Complete well-being begins in the gut.”


Gut Health – Effects of Glyphosate and Antibiotics
by Hank Liers, PhD and Fred Liers, PhD

ION* Gut Health (formerly Restore) – 32 oz

ION* Gut Health (formerly Restore) – 8 oz

HPDI Gut Health Formulas

HPDI Foundational Supplements

Restore blog (Restore4Life)

ION* Biome site

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