In April, we gave you a superfood bar recipe in “Super-Tasty Rejuvenate Superfood Bars.” That superfood bar recipe is a standard for us. But like all standards, there is nothing like variety to keep us on our toes. That recipe called for Rejuvenate! original greens, which is tasty and super healthy. But not everyone loves greens or loves them all the time.
This month’s superfood bar recipe exclusively calls for Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs. Berries & Herbs provides a supremely delicious berry flavor that comes from real berries. That is, from organic strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and cranberries!! I wrote an extensive blog article (Be Healthy with Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs) in February describing why Berries & Herbs is special (beyond just berries!) and how it supports optimal health by providing powerful nutrition.
The recipe details exactly how we made it recently. It was delicious!! In fact, it tastes so good you will find it hard to keep in the house. Yet, feel free to modify the recipe. You could add in Rejuvenate! PLUS, Rejuvenate! original greens, or whatever superfoods you like best.
Kids love this superfood bar, too – it’s so healthy for them. We encourage you to make this raw, organic nutty superfood bar as often as you like!!
Make Superfood Bars with Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs
Ingredients (all raw, organic) in the order they go into the food processor:
1.5 cups Pecans
1.5 cups Walnuts
1 cup Cashews
6–8 dried Apricots (preferably soft; soak if not soft)
1–2 scoops Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs
1 Tbsp Cocoa powder
1–2 Tbsp Chia seeds
1/4 cup Sesame seeds
1 cup Blueberries (frozen or fresh)
2 Tbsp Coconut oil
3 Tbsp Shredded Coconut
Grind pecans, walnuts, and cashews until fine in the food processor. Add all other ingredients one at a time, allowing each one to mix-in completely. Vary ingredients to suit your taste. For example, you could leave out cocoa powder or sesame seeds, or add sunflower seeds.
The consistency may be thick by the time you add in berries, yet still mixable. Then drizzle the oil over the top and mix it a bit as you pour (or scrape) the mix into a glass container.
If the mixture is too dry, then add the water or fluid from the apricots (or other dried fruits) if you soaked them.
Spread the mixture to the desired thickness (about 1.5 inches) and place in refrigerator. Another option is to make individual servings and wrap in wax paper. If you were going on a hike in warm weather you could freeze one or two bars to take with you. Enjoy!!

Be Healthy with Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs
Rejuvenate! Superfoods Comparison
Super-Tasty Rejuvenate Superfood Bars