Dr. Hank Liers, PhDHPDI’s new product ULTIMATE PROTECTOR+ is a next generation cell protection formula that simultaneously meets the needs for high levels of Vitamin C, full spectrum antioxidants* (high ORAC values), and protective enzyme activators (Nrf2 activators from plant-based polyphenols) in a single product. This potent combination of characteristics distinguishes the formula because no other single product available today offers such complete protection.

All three of ULTIMATE PROTECTOR+‘s components provide significant protection against the various types of free radicals that cause cellular damage in the body. In particular, the full spectrum of antioxidants derived from high ORAC fruits, vegetables, and herbs (as well as Vitamin C) provide extremely powerful exogenous sources of protection against oxidative stress. To obtain a quantitative measure of just how powerful these external sources are we have elected to conduct ORAC testing.


ORAC (standing for “Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity”) was developed by Brunswick Labs as an analytical tool for estimating the antioxidant capacity of substances. It is an in vitro test that was an important advancement in commercially available analysis of the peroxyl free-radical’s trapping ability of foods and ingredients. It has become a de facto standard in the natural products industry. However, the original ORAC method was considered to be just a starting point for comprehensive antioxidant analysis.

The fact is that there are a variety of “free radicals” that operate in humans — the most important of which are the primary radicals hydroxyl, peroxyl, peroxynitrite, singlet oxygen, and superoxide anion. Brunswick Labs has reported that even though the peroxyl is the major free radical in the body, it represents no more than 27% of the total antioxidant potential of selected fruits and vegetables. In addition, the original ORAC method favors certain antioxidant substances over others (e.g., anthocyanins over carotenoids) due to the use of a single free radical source (peroxyl radical).

These radicals are formed, behave, and are defended against differently. They all contribute to: 1) a general condition called “oxidative stress,” or cellular damage, and 2) broad human health concerns caused, for example, by inflammation, and DNA and protein damage. They are each implicated in different health problems – from cardiovascular disease to macular degeneration and Alzheimer’s disease and to skin damage and aging. Below we provide a brief summary of these free radicals.

The Peroxyl Radical is very important in many biological systems, including lipid peroxidation, DNA cleavage, and protein backbone modification. Hydroxyl is highly reactive and cannot be eliminated by our endogenous enzymes (such as SOD and glutathione). It can damage virtually all types of macromolecules: carbohydrates, nucleic acids, lipids, and amino acids. In the skin, hydroxyl radicals are created by UV exposure. Peroxynitrite is a reactive nitrogen species that is particularly harmful to proteins. It has been implicated in the development of certain cancers, hepatitis, and chronic inflammation. In the skin, peroxynitrite contributes to the breakdown of vital proteins, such as collagen.

Singlet Oxygen is generated in the skin by by UV. In vivo, it is linked to the oxidation of LDL cholesterol and cardiovascular disease. Singlet oxygen is highly unstable and durable. Carotenoids are very effective at scavenging singlet oxygen. Superoxide Anion is a precursor of all other reactive oxygen species and sometimes is referred to as “the mother of free radicals.” It is highly toxic and contributes to lipid and DNA damage. Antioxidants that scavenge superoxide anion also help prevent the formation of radicals such as hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl. Superoxide anion has been linked to hypertension and cardiovascular damage.

Recently, Brunswick Labs has introduced a new test called ORAC6.0. This test expands the ORAC platform to measure the antioxidant capacity against each of the five primary reactive oxygen species mentioned above as well as Hypochlorite (HOCl) which is another important free radical that is commonly found in the body as a by-product of the metabolism of other free radicals. Direct reaction of HOCl with plasmid DNA gives rise to single- and double-strand breaks via chloramine-mediated reactions. ORAC6.0 substantially improves broad-spectrum antioxidant analysis and gives evidence of the diverse antioxidant potential of natural products against radicals other than just peroxyl.  Brunswick Labs’ research shows that the antioxidants found in a wide range of natural products are effective against these primary radicals, and that in many cases a preponderance of a product’s antioxidant capacity is described by performance against the six free radicals included to the ORAC6.0 panel.


Recently [August/2019] Brunswick Labs has tested ULTIMATE PROTECTOR+™ using the new ORAC6.0 tests. The results reveal an incredible overall ORAC6.0 value of 272,743 µmole TE/gram (i.e., 272,743 per gram!). In addition, the results show that the formula offers excellent protection against all of the six types of free radicals. Specifically, the results show values of 3,376 µmole TE/gram for peroxyl radicals, 5,569 µmole TE/gram for hydroxyl radicals, 2,758 µmole TE/gram for peroxynitrite radicals, 221,866 µmole TE/gram for superoxide anion radicals, 34,169 µmole TE/gram for singlet oxygen radicals, and 5,005 µmole TE/gram for hypochlorite radicals. The table (below) shows for each free radical type the ORAC6.0 daily values for six capsules of ULTIMATE PROTECTOR+™ containing 3.55 grams of the formula.

The overall daily ORAC6.0™ value for six capsules  obtained by adding the values for each free radical type is 968,237 units (272,743 units x 3.55 g)! To the best of our knowledge there is no other product that even comes close to providing such complete protection both in terms of breadth of coverage and overall strength. The Brunswick Labs ORAC6.0™ test results for ULTIMATE PROTECTOR+™ are posted on our blog.

Ultimate Protector+ nrf2 activator formula


The bottom line is that you (or anyone) can stand to benefit dramatically from an advanced antioxidant formula that provides exceedingly high ORAC6.0 values and hence amazingly high cell protection…with just a modest daily dose of six small capsules. If you are at all interested to see how well this formula can protect your heath, then we suggest you try a bottle. See for yourself how ULTIMATE PROTECTOR+™ acts to provide you with the ultimate level of protection against free radicals. It’s 100% guaranteed.

ULTIMATE PROTECTOR+™ ORAC6.0 Units Per Serving (six capsules)

ORAC6.0 Units
Per Serving*

Free Radical Type
11,985 Peroxyl Radical is very important in many biological systems, including lipid peroxidation, DNA cleavage, and protein backbone modification.
19,770 Hydroxyl is highly reactive and cannot be eliminated by our endogenous enzymes. It damages virtually all types of macromolecules: carbohydrates, nucleic acids, lipids, and amino acids. In the skin, hydroxyl radicals are created by UV exposure.
9,791 Peroxynitrite is a reactive nitrogen species that is particularly harmful to proteins. It has been implicated in the development of certain cancers, hepatitis, and chronic inflammation. In the skin, peroxynitrite contributes to the breakdown of vital proteins, such as collagen.
121,300 Singlet Oxygen is generated in the skin by UV exposure. It is linked to the oxidation of LDL cholesterol and cardiovascular disease.
787,624 Superoxide Anion is a precursor of all other reactive oxygen species – sometimes referred to as “the mother of free radicals.” It is highly toxic and contributes to lipid and DNA damage.


Hypochlorite HOCl – direct reaction of HOCl with plasmid DNA gives rise to single- and double-strand breaks via chloramine-mediated reactions.


Total ORAC6.0 Per Daily Serving of Six Capsules (3.55 g)

View the Brunswick Labs Ultimate Protector™ ORAC6.0 Test Report Here


ULTIMATE PROTECTOR+™ contains USP-grade non-GMO Vitamin C, SFB® standardized fruit blend (~50% polyphenols, high-ORAC powder: 9,000 µmole TE/g) from Grape, Cranberry, Pomegranate, Blueberry, Apple, Mangosteen, Bilberry, Chokeberry, and Goji Berry), Curcumin (standardized extract with 95% curcuminoids), Trans-Resveratrol (98% from Giant Knotweed), Green Tea Extract (93% polyphenols, 50% EGCG), VinCare® Whole Grape Extract (>80% polyphenols, ORAC>19,000 µmole TE/g), Calcium Malate, Magnesium Malate, and Bioperine® (a patented black pepper extract that enhances absorption of all ingredients and is a known Nrf2 activator).

* Full-spectrum antioxidants in Ultimate Protector+ include polyphenols, flavonoids, anthocyanidins, oligomeric proanthocyanidins, catechins, curcuminoids, ellagic acid, pterostilbene, resveratrol, chlorogenic acid, xanthines, punicalagins, quercetin, zeaxanthin, carotenoids, polysaccharides, quinic acid, and others.

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