Dr. Hank Liers formulated Ultimate Protector as an extremely powerful, triple-action antioxidant, vitamin C, and Nrf2 activator that provides an ORAC5.0 value of 486,000 units per serving. We are aware of no other Nrf2 activator formula offering this level of total antioxidant capacity against all major types of free radicals. The formulation of Ultimate Protector, containing 29 natural, phytochemical Nrf2 activators, represents a breakthrough in antioxidant formula technology.
Ultimate Protector is a complex and very precisely formulated product. As such, it has been generating a great deal of thoughtful inquiries from our customers. Whether or not you’ve tried Ultimate Protector, we invite your questions and comments for Dr. Hank Liers. We will use this page as an ongoing repository for Ultimate Protector Q&A.
Have there been side effects when taking Ultimate Protector? What side effects are to be expected when taking this product?
We are not aware of any side effects from taking Ultimate Protector. Everyone that we know who has taken the product has noted significant benefits.
Does soybean hull extract contain soy/phytoestrogens?
Black soybean hull extract contains a high percentage of polyphenols (greater than 60% and as high as 100%) including 10-45% anthocyanidins, 10-25% catechins, and 40-80% OPC. Due to the extraction processes, Ultimate Protector™ is unlikely to contain any soy protein or phytoestrogens. (see: http://www.google.com/patents/US8206764)
Does CoffeeBerry contain caffeine?
A study done on CoffeeBerry extract shows a 0.44% caffeine content. Since each capsule contains 22.5 mg of the CoffeeBerry extract, the amount of caffeine per capsule is about 0.1 mg. (For more information see: http://www.nutritionaloutlook.com/news/study-compares-higher-antioxidant-coffee-fruit-extract-coffee-powder)
I’ve read that corn is universally contaminated with aspergillus mold which produces the very toxic mycotoxin aflatoxin B1. There is lots of research on fungi and mycotoxins in yellow corn, but I do not know much about blue corn. Could mold be an issue?
Ultimate Protector contains an extract of blue corn optimized for the anthocyanidin content. Due to the extraction process, it is unlikely that the final material contains any aspergillus. Also, since there is only a small amount of blue corn extract in the product (we estimate less than 5 mg per capsule), it is even more unlikely that aspergillus is a problem.
Please explain how a Vitamin C molecule C6H8O6 from a NON-GMO source is different than a Vitamin C molecule from a GMO source.
There is no DNA in a molecule of Vitamin C. The process of producing Vitamin C (see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reichstein_process) involves using the starting material of d-glucose derived from plant materials such as corn, beets, potatoes, cassava, etc. Each of these starting materials will contain some protein that could be in part from genetically modified materials. In most cases, especially in the production of the USP grade materials used in Ultimate Protector, the protein will be completely removed. As a precaution against lingering genetically modified proteins, PCR testing is conducted (see: http://www.nongmoproject.org/product-verification/about-gmo-testing/guidelines/). The Vitamin C we use in Ultimate Protector ™ has been tested using this method and is certified by independent laboratories to contain no GMOs.
What is the source of your Vitamin C / ascorbic acid ingredient?
The USP grade Vitamin C (usually greater than 99.8% pure ascorbic acid) comes from China and is certified as non-GMO. Typical sources of Vitamin C are corn, potatoes, or beets, depending upon time of year. Sometimes tapioca is the source but it is rarely available.
What are the sources for your ORAC ingredients?
Ultimate Protector contains six high-ORAC sources. Three of these (AnthoComplete®, VitaBerry® Plus, and VitaVeggie®) are mixtures of extracts from a wide range of fruits and vegetables. Below each one is listed along with website & product information:
AnthoComplete® from Futureceuticals (http://www.futureceuticals.com/products/anthocomplete™)
CoffeeBerry® Forte from Futureceuticals (http://www.futureceuticals.com/products/coffee-fruit)
VitaBerry® Plus from Futureceuticals (http://www.futureceuticals.com/products/vitaberry®)
VitaVeggie® from Futureceuticals (http://www.futureceuticals.com/products/vitaveggie®)
Resveratrol (98% min.) is derived from the Giant Knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum)
Curcumin (95% min. curcuminoids) from Sabinsa (http://www.sabinsa.com/products/standardized-phytoextracts/c3/) -
Are the ORAC sources organic or just non-GMO?
All of our ORAC sources are non-GMO, but none claim organic, and this may be because they are extracts. More specifically, the extracting process may preclude the production of an organic result. Please consider that this is a nutritional supplement and not a food.
Are the remaining ingredients organic and non-GMO?
All Ultimate Protector ingredients are non-GMO, but not all are identified as organic.
Is Ultimate Protector entirely food based?
Yes, the entire product is food based.
Are the foods in Ultimate Protector grown without chemicals?
All of the ingredients are classified as non-GMO. All of the ingredients are in accordance with the most rigorous US Pharmacopeia (USP) standards (or equal). For most of the ingredients, our suppliers do not claim organic. This is due in part to processing. That means in certain cases, organic ingredients can no longer be claimed as organic when processed, or when mixed with other (i.e., non-organic) ingredients.
From what countries are the ingredients sourced?
The ingredients in Ultimate Protector come from many countries. For example, AnthoComplete ingredients are sourced as follows: Elderberry: Poland, Netherlands; VitaCurrant® Blackcurrant Extract: China; VitaBlue® Wild Blueberry Extract: China; VitaCherry® Sweet Cherry: Greece; Acai: Brazil; Blackberry: USA, Chile; Aronia: Poland; Raspberry: USA, Chile, Serbia, China; Black Soybean Hull Extract: China; Blue Corn Extract: China; Wild Bilberry Extract: China; Silica Dioxide: USA.VitaBerry Plus ingredients are sourced as follows: Grape Seed Extract: China; Wild Blueberry: USA, Canada, Russia; Quercetin: China; Resveratrol: China; Wild Bilberry: Sweden, Russia, Poland; Cranberry: USA, Canada; Tart Cherry: USA, Poland, Serbia; Prune: USA; Raspberry Seed: USA, Chile, China, Serbia; Strawberry: USA, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, China, Egypt, Serbia; Silica Dioxide: USA.
What about the use of magnesium trisilicate? Is there any danger?
Health Products Distributors, Inc., adheres to a strict policy regarding excipients allowed in our supplements. Please refer to the following on our main website: http://www.integratedhealth.com/excipients.html.
Magnesium trisilicate (GRAS listed) is used in oral nutritional formulations and food products as a glidant, and is generally regarded as an essentially nontoxic and non-irritant material. The US Pharmacopeia (USP) describes Magnesium trisilicate as a compound of magnesium oxide and silicon dioxide with varying proportions of water. It contains not less than 20% of magnesium oxide and not less than 45% of silicon dioxide. Magnesium trisilicate occurs as an odorless and tasteless, fine, white-colored powder that is free from grittiness, and is practically insoluble in water.
When administered orally, magnesium trisilicate is neutralized in the stomach to form magnesium chloride and silicon dioxide; some magnesium may be absorbed. Whenever possible we use magnesium trisilicate in combination with silica as a replacement for magnesium stearate. Magnesium trisilicate is generally used as a glidant in a concentration range of 0.1%–0.75%, and is typically used at the 0.5% level.It is important not to confuse the use of magnesium trisilicate as an antacid preparation with the use in the preparation of pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals. For example, in Ultimate Protector™ there would be a maximum of about 2.5 mg per capsule. This amount is at least 25 times less than what is found in antacid formulations.
Even at the much higher levels, material safety data sheets (MSDS) state that ingestion of small amounts is unlikely to cause any adverse effects. FDA lists this material as “Generally Regarded as Safe (GRAS)”. We consider the small amounts of magnesium trisilicate found in Ultimate Protector™ to be very safe.
I’ve never heard of Trans-Resveratrol, but I see it is an Ultimate Protector ingredient. What is the difference between Resveratrol and Trans-Resveratrol?
There are 2 forms of resveratrol (cis and trans). We use the term trans-resvertrol which is most often associated with grapes, but according to common usage we could have used the more general term resveratrol as well. In our formula we use Giant Knotweed (polygonom cuspidatum) with a typical purity of over 98% resveratrol.
Has Ultimate Protector been tested for heavy metals such as lead, mercury, arsenic, and cadmium?
Yes, heavy metals testing has been conducted. The results show no detectable amounts of lead (<0.116 mcg), mercury (<0.0167 mcg), and arsenic (<0.116 mcg) and insignificant amounts of cadmium (0.093 mcg) per serving (2 capsules).
Does Ultimate Protector contain gluten?
No, there is not any gluten in Ultimate Protector.
We encourage you to submit questions and comments about Ultimate Protector™ for Dr. Hank Liers to answer! Preferably use our blog comment window below, or alternatively send us an email.

Ultimate Protector™ (product page)
Ultimate Protector Design Considerations
The Amazing Healing Potential of Natural Nrf2 Activators
Ultimate Protector™: First Impressions
Ultimate Protector™ Brunswick Labs ORAC5.0™ Test Results
Preventing Free-Radical Damage Using Ultimate Protector™
Description and Comparison of ORAC Tests for Well Known Plant Ingredients and Ultimate Protector™
Ultimate Protector and the Role of Foundational Supplements for Health
Natural Phytochemical Nrf2 Activators for Chemoprevention
New Directions for Preventing Free Radical Damage
Ultimate Protector flyer (.pdf)
ORAC Database (including ORAC5.0 test results)